1930 Street Map Units Issue

I am trying to make a 1930's street map. I am laying it out in a grid, so knowing the units matters. However, the T value listed is way off. I think I know why. When I go to set up the map, when you go to the screen to set the background, instead of the background image being center and filling the screen, it is in the top right. In the map I made, I zoomed out and then went far down to the bottom left. I found 0 finally.

So how do I get this fixed? Or will I need to submit a bug report?


  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace

    If you mean in the upper left of the software. The numbers that change as you move the mouse

    If so, there is more than one set of numbers. Click once to change them.

    Otherwise, I don't know.

  • JulianDracosJulianDracos Mapmaker
    edited April 2021

    I am talking about those numbers. Clicking cycles through them. The T is ~5200, 6200 in the bottom left, @T is close to the same, <T is 50, 8000. On the sample map provided, or pretty much any of the other maps I make, the T in the lower left is 0,0.

    This issue is also with the Cthulhu City. I tired two other maps styles and they are fine.

  • RalfRalf Administrator, ProFantasy 🖼️ 18 images Mapmaker

    Thanks for reporting this, the template had the origin (0,0) in the wrong position in all of those templates. I'm attaching the corrected versions here, and I'm also updating the setup files for the Annuals.

    [Deleted User]LoopysueJimPJulianDracospvernon
  • You should zip all four templates into a single archive so they can be downloaded and unzipped into the "[at]Templates\Cities\Wizard" directory. (Is there a way to display the "at" symbol without triggering its special function? It would make it easier to post CC3+ data directory relative file references.)
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer

    Is there a way to display the "at" symbol without triggering its special function? It would make it easier to post CC3+ data directory relative file references.

    Just start typing. It tries to match them against usernames, but once you have typed enough that it doesn't match anything, it just behaves like a normal character: @Templates\Cities\Wizard

  • Thanks.

    I am wondering about the size of the roads. In the sample files provided, the roads are much larder than the default settings. This even when I use the same dimensions or even just starting modifying the same file. However, the tutorial does not mention anything about altering the size of the roads.

    I am wondering if this is on purpose? Is there an easy/quick way to modify the width of all of the roads at once? Or will I need to create new road widths for each type?

  • I figured out the road issue. There is a road option to just draw a line instead of ones that draw the line, road, and background of the road. That is what is being used here to make them very wide. However, I went ahead and created by own larger tool.

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