How to line up text labels using Ortho

I'm working through tutorials in the Tome, but a bit stuck on page 44 where it says about using Ortho to line up the text labels for the scale bar:

"All of these labels used bottom center justification to keep them centered above the exact point, and I used Ortho to make sure they all lined up correctly on the same horizontal line."

I can't figure out how Ortho was used to place the second and third text labels at the same horizontal level as the first label. I must've missed something from an earlier lesson, but can't figure out what. I've had a flip through the main CC3+ guide, too, but still scratching my head on this.

Could someone explain what I've missed?

Best Answers

  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    Accepted Answer

    That's a very good question.

    Been several years since I wrote that, so I no longer remember the exact details behind it. What I suspect I did was placing the 0 first, and then copying that text entity using Copy, and then editing the numbers using Numeric Edit. I usually find this the quicker way rather than doing the labels one by one.

  • CalanCalan Newcomer
    edited March 2021 Accepted Answer

    Ah, I think I've figured out what you did. I was initially using Text to add the numbers, but I think you must've used Number Label instead? That lets you add multiple numbers in one go and does respect when Ortho is toggled on for lining up the subsequent numbers.

    So no copy/paste needed and I just needed to use Numeric Edit to correct the second and third numbers at the end.


  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    Accepted Answer

    That's a very good question.

    Been several years since I wrote that, so I no longer remember the exact details behind it. What I suspect I did was placing the 0 first, and then copying that text entity using Copy, and then editing the numbers using Numeric Edit. I usually find this the quicker way rather than doing the labels one by one.

  • CalanCalan Newcomer

    Thanks again, Monsen! I'll give that a try.

    And I've gone through many of your videos on YouTube and am finding them very helpful!

  • CalanCalan Newcomer
    edited March 2021 Accepted Answer

    Ah, I think I've figured out what you did. I was initially using Text to add the numbers, but I think you must've used Number Label instead? That lets you add multiple numbers in one go and does respect when Ortho is toggled on for lining up the subsequent numbers.

    So no copy/paste needed and I just needed to use Numeric Edit to correct the second and third numbers at the end.

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