Mappers available for commissions

MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼 81 images Cartographer
edited March 2021 in Resources

This thread is intended to keep a list of information of mappers who are willing to do commissions. Every so often people drop by that is interested in commissioning a map, and it is good to actually know who to contact.

So, for anyone open to doing commissions, please make a post about yourself in this thread. Say as much or little as you wish, but you should have some samples of your work. I recommend keeping a selection of images in your gallery here on the forum, but you can of course put in a link to an external web site too. Mentioning what types of map you do might also be a good idea.

Remember to list your contact information if you prefer people to contact you using other means than a forum PM.

To keep this list clean, please do not use it to discuss commissions in general, this is just to keep a list of mappers doing commissions. If you wish to discuss aspects of it, just start a new thread. Also, please keep to one post per mapper, edit or delete the existing post if things change. This discussion is listed in the Resources category, so it should always be easy to find. Posts in this thread that is NOT a mapper presenting themselves will be deleted.

There used to be an old thread, but it is horribly outdated, so please register yourself anew here if you are still around and available.

If you are visiting this thread looking for a mapper to do your commission, please contact the mappers listed here using their contact details, or send them a PM here on the forum if no other contact methods are provided. Please DO NOT post in this thread asking for a mapper, such posts will simply be deleted, but contact the people directly. Please respect that even if people are generally open for commissions, they might at times be to busy to take on new commissions at the current time, being listed here do not mean they will accept every request.

[Deleted User]AleDMaidhc O CasainGeorgejmabbottLoopysueAutumn GettyScottALizzy_Maracuja


  • edited March 2021

    Cartographer for Hire: Jim Abbott aka Damon Jynx

    I've been doing commissions for The Design Mechanism, primarily for their Classic Fantasy line but I've also worked on other projects with them, since 2017.

    My earlier maps were all done in Photoshop CS4 but due to computer upgrades and whatnot, I now use CC3+ exclusively.

    I excel at dungeon scale maps but can do maps in any scale for any genre.

    Contact me via PM here or by email:

    My CC3+ maps can be viewed here.

    My Ps CS4 maps can be viewed here.

    JimPDoubleDoubleLoopysueRobert FeyerharmOctorilla
  • 9 days later
  • edited March 2021

    My name is Cole Hinkel (DoubleDouble). I have a bachelor's in Game Design and am familiar with a wide variety of the tools involved for graphics and programming in general.

    My portfolio is currently empty, that will be remedied soon.

    You can contact me by PM here or email me at

    Be sure to include some details about what you are looking for and maybe even some examples in the style you are looking for. I look forward to bringing your world, city, or encounter to life.

    jmabbottRobert Feyerharm
  • Hi, I am Quenten Walker and a regular contributer to the Community Atlas. Most of my work can be seen there - just go the the community Atals page, click Search and choose all maps with Quenten as the mapper.

    I would love to hear from anyone who would like a map done - my rates are very reasonable (to the client).

    My main strengths are in world, regional and city

  • 11 months later
  • Hello there! My name is Joshua Parker, and I hand-draw fantasy maps. I mostly draw biome maps, not city maps, but I am willing to try to draw anything that is requested. Here are some examples of my work.

    If you would like to commission me to draw a map for you, contact me at Thank you for considering me in your decision process.

  • Heya,

    I'm Ute Gundacker and started to make commissions during the pandemic .

    Doing mostly projects for Achtung!Cthulhu, but I'm open to other projects as well (at least if my time allows it - if there's a lot going on I might need some time).

    I prefer doing (more modern) city maps, regional maps, floorplans, planetary maps. But if something else is needed, I do my best to get it done.

    My gallery around here has lots of my stuff, and my website has some more plus additional contact information.

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