Searching for Specific Symbols

Before I go through the trouble of creating my own, does anyone know if symbols exist in any of the map styles or symbol sets for: 1) a mining symbol, like a crossed shovel and pickaxe; or 2) a submerged city?It's very possible that I missed the symbols, but I just can't seem to find them.

Also on that note, is there some master list or index of symbols available in all the different styles and sets that one could reference for something like this?

Thank you.


  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace

    Not a master list, but as long as you use it for personal use, you can likely make a map of each set of symbols you have and save them to your hard drive as a graphic file like png or jpg.

  • SS3 Overland has some many modern mapping symbols including active/inactive mines, as shown below. There are a few other modern type symbols in various other symbol sets, most of which I have to rediscover when I want to use them because my pitiful attempts to make a custom catalog continually fail.

  • When you say "submerged city", do you mean an undersea city, or a land city that's been wholly or partly inundated by the sea?

    Reason I ask is I've tinkered together a few pictorial undersea settlement symbols for use in the PF Community Atlas mapping project, and these may finally appear later this month or next, if all goes to plan.

    For the sunken/drowned land city, and assuming you wanted a pictorial drawing rather than a simpler marker-type symbol, you could use a standard city symbol from whatever mapping style you prefer, and then add a drawn polygon or two on a separate Sheet above the one the city symbol's on in the stack (so closer to the MAP BORDER Sheet than the COMMON Sheet in the order they're shown when you open the Drawing Sheets and Effects pane from the CC3+ top-row information lists - the one that shows "S:" and whatever your current mapping Sheet name is). Then you can add an appropriate Effect or two to the Sheet the new polygon's on, to make it look like the settlement's under or partly underwater. Something like Transparency, perhaps.

  • Thank you, everyone, for your comments. They're all really helpful.

    JimP, I'll probably start putting together a list of the symbols I need or use the most, then add to it from there.

    mike robel, that's exactly what I was looking for.

    Wyvern, I realized the ambiguity in my question after I posted. I was referring to an undersea settlement, not a ruined or flooded city. That's an excellent idea, and I'll give that a try. Of course, a symbol that looked like an undersea settlement rather than a standard overland city would be a great addition.

    Thanks again!

  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace

    I also save a catalog of symbols for particular nation and a city or village.

    When I get a village to look the way I want to for that nation, I go into the Symbol Manager and save those symbols as a set. Next time I draw up a village for that nation, I already have a symbol set for it. Load it and use that one, instead of browsing around my hard drive.

    [Deleted User]
  • @JimP That's a great tip too. Thanks again! As you can tell, I'm still learning.

  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace

    We all learn here. I'm still at it. Sue, Wyvern, and Remy have produced lots of new things for me to learn.

  • You could certainly use the technique I suggested to make any existing pictorial city symbols look underwater too, with a transparent small polygon waving across part of the symbol, say, or blurring the whole symbol a little (though the Blur Effect, if used extensively on a map, can slow down redraw times, unfortunately), or a mixture of the two. If it's in shallower waters (less than circa 200 metres/660 feet of seawater, generally speaking for Earth; maximum sunlight penetration limit), you could add a few wobbly green lines to represent photosynthetic undersea organisms in a similar way alongside and over parts of the symbol as well.

    Fully second Jim's point about us all always learning. The CC3+ program suite is vast in what it can achieve, and it's impossible to be aware of even many aspects of it, let alone all of them, especially as there are usually multiple ways to achieve something using it.

  • @Wyvern that technique works perfectly. I'd definitely prefer an underwater community symbol, but I added enough blur that you can see that something's there, but it's not obviously an overland city symbol. It's just the one location, so it doesn't noticeably slow down the refresh. I appreciate the help!

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