Select catalog setting window every time I click on wall features (or any other type of feature)

I am getting an introduction to DD3 with Josh Plunketts video on Youtube

I've run into a bit of a problem when I was trying to add doors. Clicking on the wall features I get shown a select catalog setting which lists nothing. When I go to advance and remove the master filter I will get shown a set of available catalogs. I can click on them and I find some wall options.

My questions are:

Is this normal behaviour?

Should I be shown the select catalog setting window every time I click on buttons like wall features, up and down or traps?

Should CD3 Bitmap A always be in the master filter?

I'm pretty new and the catalog options do not mean a lot to me.


  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace

    That does sound off to me.

    Hmmm. Type SELBYD and press the return key.

    Now try to select a symbol.

  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer

    Is this normal behaviour?

    Should I be shown the select catalog setting window every time I click on buttons like wall features, up and down or traps?

    This dialog is shown if there are no catalogs matching the current filters (which depends on map style) or if there are multiple catalogs. If it is normal behavior or not really depends on the style of your current map. For example if you start a city map, and then switches to the Dungeon Designer toolbar and click the button, it is normal behaviour, because there are no wall feature catalog for city maps. On the other hand, if you are using a standard dungeon map like the SS4 Mike Schley or DD3 Dungeon style, you certainly shouldn't get an empty list here. But again, it depends on the type and style of your current map.

    Should CD3 Bitmap A always be in the master filter?

    Certainly not if you are doing a dungeon map, as that is a city filter (The CD at the beginning stands for City Designer). Thjat should only be the active master filter if you are working with a city map in the CD3 bitmap A style

    Your map should normally load the correct toolbars and master filters every time you open the map, so you shouldn't need to mess around with these values.

  • harry_ordharry_ord Newcomer
    edited January 2021

    JimP where did you want me to type it? In the places I could type it in the  catalog setting window (Catalog setting filter, master filter and symbol catalog file) typing SELBYD did seem to change anything.

    Thanks for the explanation Mosen, I have a bit of a better understanding what goes a little wrong now. It was working normally at first. I've tried a few things first it was the normal stuff like closing and reopening CC3 and restarting my computer. I tried creating some new maps creating overland maps, cities and castles and the master filter seems to be correct.

    However it seems to be when trying to create a dungeon via new (new->map type-dungeons(pre defined or decide settings) the master filter seems to be incorrect along with the symbol tool bar and where the overland toolbar would be do not automatically update to DD3 toolbars (but that seems to be the case when I start creating any new map). I did find when I create a new DD3 map it just uses the map filter set for the previous map I was creating.

  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer

    Which dungeon style are you using? If you use the CC3 dungeon style, that's just a vary simple cutdown dungeon style intended for people not owning DD3, and it don't have catalogs for all those dungeon buttons. The DD3 dungeon style is fully featured, and should have all the appropriate catalogs and filters.

  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace

    There is a command area at the bottom of cc3+.

  • 9 days later
  • Hi, I'm another noob, and I'm having a similar issue.

    I installed CC3+, DD, CD, and a castles content pack, SMCastles.

    I started a new map and selected Dungeons as the map type.

    Then if I click one of the buttons above the symbols catalogs, say Cave, or Containers and Treasure, I get a dialog popup with a blank list of available catalogs to select from.

    If I click advanced, I can see that the issue is probably the Master filter, which always has the word Castle in it.

    I'm guessing that that has to do with when I was trying to figure out the SMC add-on. It looks like the combo of the catalog filter and the master filter gives a null result. I've tried erasing the word Castle, then clicking the Update symbol display button, which displays more things (catalogs?) in the list. I click OK, but when I go back, it says Castle in the master filter again; the change isn't permanent.

    Is there a way I can clear it out and set the master filter so it defaults to null? I tried typing SELBYD into the command line at the bottom, and didn't seem to get a different outcome.

  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer

    Which dungeon style are you using? If you use the CC3 dungeon style, that's just a vary simple cutdown dungeon style intended for people not owning DD3, and it don't have catalogs for all those dungeon buttons. When using this style, the filters from your previous map would be retained.

    The DD3 dungeon style is fully featured, and should have all the appropriate catalogs and filters.

  • Thanks @Monsen!

    I'm not sure I know all the terms yet, but I click New, then highlight Dungeons and click next on the New Drawing Wizard

    on the next dialog, I'm presented with CC2 and CC3 options, but no DD options. Maybe this is the source of my issue?

    I'm figuring I could fix this if I uninstall everything, then reinstall CC3+, DD3 and CD3 without installing the Castles pack, but that seems like a heavy-handed solution. It's got to be designed so that the castles pack doesn't disable the DD3 module.

  • Is the dungeon style saved in a FCT file (I should see the style in /Templates?)

  • I may have had an important epiphany. I had set the radio button to Pick a Defined Template, assuming that as a noob, I didn't quite want to decide all the settings myself yet. I tried the other radio button instead, but the following dialog looks different for me than it does for the instructor in the tutorial in the video above.

    I can see DD3 is installed (it's in teh toolbar, circled here in red) but the DD3 line items don't appear in the dialog.

    I'll try reinstalling DD3 and see what that does.

  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer

    You don't actually have DD3 installed. The DD3 button is always there, because CC3+ can switch into dungeon mode without having DD3 installed, but you won't have all the artwork and templates and such that DD3 offers.

    Install DD3, and start your dungeon of a proper DD3 template, and you should be fine.

  • Imagine my embarrassment!

    Thanks, @Monsen !

  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer

    Oh don't worry about it. It was at least a year after I got just CC3 on its own before I even understood what an annual was ;)

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