Adding numbers to a hex grid?

I will freely admit to being super new to this software, i tried the old "google it" method to try and find the answer but I couldn't.

I managed to draw up a hex map, for a large open world game i am doing but I can't for the life of me figure out how to number the hexes? There are quite a few of them and I need to number each one for potential encounters and such. Just need to turn on the hex count, and have it put the number of the hex in the hex for the dm copy of the map

Best Answer

  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 46 images Cartographer
    Accepted Answer

    Numbers are added when you create the grid.

    From the Draw menu -> Hex or square grid you can turn on labeling for the grid. If you already have a grid in your map, creating a new grid the exact same size as the old one should work fine.


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