Slow download speed?

Hello to all of you!

I come to you from humble bundle and have been trying to download the programs for about half an hour. However the download speed is very, very slow. It varies from 1kb/s to 22kb/s. Checking with other applications, I have minimun speed of at least 5mb/s. Could someone please help me and tell me if the problem is with my end of the connection or of that of the wesbsite? I restart my router as well as my computer. I also tried with my laptop. Browsers used are Opera and Safari.

Thanks in advance,


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  • Lots of people are home for the holidays.

    When this happens, I try a different time of the day for any downloads.

  • Yeah, there are some weird things going on today; I just got two e-mails that were posted nearly 90 minutes ago - only arrived now. Sometimes, this is just The Internet. Try again later...?

  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 46 images Cartographer

    Where are you located? ProFantasy downloads are located on an Amazon services server over in the US. In my experience, this server is very fast when accessed from my location in Norway. I just threw the latest annual on download, and it gave me consistent download speed of 30MB/sec, downloaded the whole thing is just about a minute. Not that those numbers really help you, I just wanted to document that the server itself is indeed quite fast, so it shouldn't be an issue at that end.

    Because ISP's have different peering agreements with other networks, the issue sometimes lies with the ISP, and could as indicated by others here be a temporary issue.

  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 39 images Cartographer

    I can back up what Remy says about the server being fast, since I have relatively slow ISP (mobile broadband). I find that using a download manager (IDM in my case) doubles or trebles the speed. So it's not the Amazon server.

    At other times I've had problems because of high demand on the local mobile network, or even (and most annoyingly) when Microsoft decide to do an update of Win 10 without any prior warning. Their servers are ridiculously fast, and pump everything out so damn fast that I virtually drop offline while it's happening as far as anything else is concerned. I've even had to abandon live stream events because of it. So you might find that you have a Win 10 update bullying your system around.

  • I never get more than about 600kB/sec when downloading from PF although all other downloads are much faster... Always thought that the PF servers are capping downloadspeed at some point... I usually download via Chrome. Has someone some suggestions how to archive a higher speed when downloading?

  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 39 images Cartographer
    edited December 2020

    Internet Download Manager does the trick for me.

    You can try it for free here:

    The only problem I had with it to start with was that it kept trying to download everything. And I mean everything - Youtube vids and all. There's a way to switch off it's hungry ways in the settings though.

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