World of Myirandios - Mivlis-Gyaflaggio region (400 x 400 km)
I will use this thread to map my 400 x 400 km (250 x 250 miles) section of the Gyarflags - Weldarmon regional map.
First the regional map for reference:
I will use this thread to map my 400 x 400 km (250 x 250 miles) section of the Gyarflags - Weldarmon regional map.
First the regional map for reference:
Now the 400 x 400 km square I will be working on - Gyarflags and Mivlis - this is my main focus area, and whee most of my small regional maps, settlement maps and building and dungeons will be located. You will recognize some from the Atlas. I will list them on my next post. They are all hyperlinked.
More work is needed on this, obviously, and apart from getting the regional maps done as an initial start in each, I will be concentrating on this map for Myirandios.
Two years later - and many maps later, I have got back to this map. I hope to run a version of Night's Dark Terror on it with a new RPG group.
What's left to do? Some settlements and other places of interest; and text.
Then hyperlinks. So far, Thredeov (Atlas Vertshusen); Krakatos (Atlas Torstan) and Sulaska (Atlas Gronvang), with their associated maps.
A larger version is in the Gallery.
@Monsen and @Ralf I can't export this as a jpg or png greater than 6000 x 6000. Before a few updates ago, I could export this at 12000 x 12000. I have tried it at exportsetmppp at 80000000000, plus smaller and higher numbers. Any solutions?
@Quenten I have been having to use the CA129 large export option to get most of my maps to export at a good resolution.
OK, I haven't ever used that, so I will give it a tryout when the map is completed.
I have tried it at exportsetmppp at 80000000000, plus smaller and higher numbers
That's way to high. You shouldn't go higher than 40000000. You can easily calculate that number yourself. Take that 6000x6000 that you manage to export, multiply that up, and you have 36000000. That's your practical limit for how much large a map export you can do in a single pass. If you set the ppp value higher than you can handle, you'll end up making your max possible single pass size your absolute max as well, because CC3+ won't be allowed to go for more than one pass.
Single large exports come with lots of memory pressure. During export, CC3+ needs to allocate up to eight working image buffers for drawing and generating effects as well keeping all of the artwork bitmaps needed in memory. It will rotate artwork bitmaps through its internal bitmap cache as needed, but those working image buffers need to be single blocks of memory.
The "Export Maximum Pixels Per Pass" setting (EXPORTSETMPPP command) controls how many pixels are created in the each of the working image buffers. The system will break up the specified output into bands of images that are very roughly (exportsetmppp / width) pixels high. The default size (4M pixels) is a very small value, but it will work on every machine that it's ever been tried on because the system only requires 8*4M pixels*4bytes/pixel=128MB of RAM in fairly small (16MB) blocks. However, that small value tends to get a lot of bands. For example, trying to export a 4000x4000 pixel image with the default 4M exportsetmppp size will give bands that are about 1000 pixels high, meaning that 4 or so bands are required. Setting exportsetmppp to 40M pixels will give more headroom with a enough memory space left over to still do useful caching of bitmaps (8*40M pixels*4bytes/pixel=1280MB of RAM, or about 1/4 of the total memory space available to CC3+). However, those larger block need contiguous memory to be able to allocate them. To try to make things work better, CC3+ will free up the cache and try to get rid of as much internally-allocated memory as it can before starting an export. However, the system does lots of little allocations all of the time and if those allocations fragment larger memory blocks, then the system won't be able to allocate really big blocks.
Some effects are more or less global effects (point lighting is the worst), requiring the whole image be available during operations. Some effects need absolutely no context beyond a single pixel (HLS and RGB Matrix, for example). Effects that needs lots of context need larger single exports for the best results. If the context available to an effect is too small to do its job, then visible banding will show up in the final output image.
How to get the largest possible single images during export?
How to get the largest possible images? Do lots of images and stitch them together. The CA129 large image export operation does this and can get much larger images than any possible single CC3+ export.
Thanks, Jo, this has been very useful. I will try it out when I have completed this map.
Well, I have been able to download a 12,000 x 12,000 pixel jpg and png. Thanks to all above.
Moreover, I have completed it - well, insofar as a map for the area of adventuring can ever be completed. I have already linked many maps of my own which were also put in the Atlas, and will also be using many of the other maps - buildings, dungeons and settlements.
A larger version is in the gallery.
Lot of detail there, certainly!
If this was going into the Atlas, I'd suggest a rethink on some of the labelling, as to my eye much of it's getting lost amongst the terrain in places (using the larger Gallery version to check this). Indeed, there are labels visible on that version that I didn't spot on the Forum one. Since it's for personal use, that's probably less of an issue though!
Ii will be using the 12000 X 12000 pixel version.
I actually been looking at B10 Night's Dark Terror recently. Not to run it as is but to take parts of it out and place in my Borderlands campaign near the Spine of the World in the Forgotten Realms. Been looking to see if any of the location maps have been recreated in a VTT friendly format with better detail than the green and white of the module I have.
As you might guess the base I am using it B1 and B2 Keep on the Borderlands though again not taking it exactly as described but going to insert this stuff in the area and modify with a large Underdark campaign I am creating as well as part of a West Marches sort of game.
You obviously picked up that there are many sites there that are renamed from B2 and B10. (BTW, I am the Deleted User - resurrected on the forum)