Craigs Keep - 1st level WIP

Below is a first draft of Craig's Keep, a small tower located in Morwood Forest. It's too orderly and needs some messing up, but my real question is how to deal with the circular stairs in the lower right corner. Placing the stair didn't give me the presentation that I wanted (looking to show that they go both up and down) - so I tried to create a "stairwell" by drawing a circle below it and adding some effects. Still not happy with it. How do you handle stairs, especially circular?



    1. The walls of a "keep" should be thick (3-5 feet or more) with windows being narrow arrow slits.
    2. "Keeps" don't usually have anything important on the ground floor level, just storage. Maybe you could put the stable or servants quarters there. No windows on this level for security.
    3. Habitation usually begins on the first floor (second level) with a great hall or living room. Private rooms are on the floors above that with the "master's chambers" being on the top level.
    4. Not sure where the kitchen would go, above or below the main floor.
    My main source for this was Ballymalis Castle which was the first structure in Source Maps: Castles.
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