Battlemap Resolution and Scale

Hello there, I'm a new user of CC3+ and VTTs in general. I've spent some time learning a bit about how to use CC3+ and I'm a bit more comfortable now than when I first opened it. However, I still have some issues regarding image resolutions and scale when exporting to the VTT I intend to use.

I'm going to be hosting my first session as a DM using MapTool, which by default has a 50 pixel per 5' grid square. I tried to set up a grid in CC3+ that matched the 5' increments, but every time I export the map and then import it into MapTool, there is a mismatch in grid sizes.

I know I can resize the grid inside of MapTool, however even if I do that and get it as close as I can, the grid still drifts out of alignment eventually over the rest of the image.

Here you can see what I'm talking about:

The red grid is the default 50px per 5' that MapTool uses, whereas the grey grid is a 5.0 grid spacing that I was using in CC3+. In the next picture, I've scaled the grid and aligned it as best I could. If you look at the top left corner you can see it's pretty spot on, however the grid still drifts apart:

This leaves me with a couple questions.

1: Is there a way to set up the grid overlay in CC3+ to fit MapTool's 50px 5' grid? I've tried a few different spacing settings and I always seem to get grid drift which then screws up the sense of scale and alignment in the maps I make (also apparent in the token sizes in the two screenshots).

2: Is there some sort of 'best practice' when it comes to exporting maps from CC3+ for use in VTTs? I feel like I'm probably missing something important when it comes to resolution, pixels-per-inch or even just overall resolution.

I had searched through the forum a bit and tried a few different things but couldn't seem to get rid of that grid drift. If anyone has any tips or tricks that might help, or just general advice for using CC3+ to do what I'm trying to do, I would greatly appreciate it!


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