Does anyone know of Cosmographer Line Art Symbol Libraries?

This is for Cosmographer Deck plans are any symbol libraries for other Tech Bases? Cosmographer 3+ seams to include Star Trek what with Warp drives and other things I have seen. I have looked but any thing that was posted seems to either have been pulled, made obsolete by a newer version of Cosmographer, or Lost.

I was curious about specifically Stargate: SG1 and Atlantis, Babylon 5 and Star Wars (weapons and Droids).

I am looking for a line art style not the BMP style, I have just been drawing my own as I need them but it is ..... tedious to need to draw everything from cannons and turrets to droids, Small craft and Hanger Equipment (fighter/shuttle refueling/rearming sleds, and maintenance machinery) and other Star Wars equipment. I'm not at all interested in the "new" stuff as Disney has seen fit to disavow most of the lore I grew up with I feel fully justified in Disavowing there SW even exists.

Also are there any Elevation View Symbols to match the base ones?

If all this was covered in the annuals can someone point me in the right Direction most I have looked at all seem to be more D&D Fantasy not Space Sci-Fi Fantasy

At any rate I though I would post this and go back to tinkering on my ships.


Jason S.


  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼 41 images Cartographer

    Hi Jason :)

    I'm much more of a City and overland mapper, and have only once used Cosmographer, so I'm probably not the best person to answer your main question. I just wanted to encourage you to create new assets. After all - once you've done it once you won't ever have to do it again, no matter how many maps you make.

  • Agreed, however there is also no need to reinvent the wheel either if there are already assets out there, and I am too much of a noob to find them. For reference I have created a couple of things but don't have a lot of free time so it is slow going and mostly done as needed. I just didn't know if some one was making or compiling a groups work into a library.

  • JimPJimP 🖼 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace

    CA99 Downports has both B&W and vari-color symbols for various buildings. Ships as well.

    \CC3Plus\Symbols\Cosmographer\Cosmos\Spaceships.fsc has B&W space ships.

    Some of the \CC3Plus\Symbols\Cosmographer\Deckplan\cargo.fsc; Command.fsc; Engineering.fsc; Furniture.fsc; Geomorphrooms.fsc; a few in Medical.fsc; Passages.fsc; Personal.fsc which are weapons, communicator, weapons wrack, and wrist comm; Piping.fsc; Up and Down.fsc; Wall Features.fsc; and Weapons.fsc look like line art to me. The rest are color and vari-color.

    My Traveller ones in that same folder have few to no symbols. The ones that are in there, are definately line art symbols.

    \CC3Plus\Symbols\Cosmographer\Overland\Hazard.fsc; Planet Connectors like rails and roads; and Vehicles.fsc has vehicles like AFVs, hover cars, cranes, etc. has line art. Some of these particularly the vehicles, have one or two colors, the rest are just lines on the same symbol. As an example: the monorail engine and the carraige has two brown lines and list blue windows. The rest of those vehicles are line art.

    Some of these above are B&W with some being gray scale.

    Hope that helps. But since I have everything, I don't know what comes with Cosmographer and what is in which add-on.

  • Thanks for the Tip it seems most of those things you listed are part of Cosmographer, but I did not know about the overland vehicles or the cosmos space ships thanks for the tip!! :) Still looking for more variety but this will work for the near term.

  • JimPJimP 🖼 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
  • 2 years later
  • Is there a way to add symbols from a drawing to an existing catalog? I know I can take a screen capture of the symbol, crop it in am image editing tool, and import the PNG, but I'd prefer to copy the vector items I have in a drawing and add them to an *.fsc file. Is that possible?

  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼 81 images Cartographer

    Yes. If it is already a symbol in the drawing, go to Symbols -> Symbol Manager, select the symbols from the list, and use the save as catalog to create a new catalog with the symbols.

    If it isn't already a symbol, but just loose entities, you can define them as a symbol first using Symbols -> Define Symbol, and then you can export it to a symbol catalog file as described above.

    To add it to an existing catalog, do as above, then open up the existing catalog for editing by opening it up using file -> open as opposed to just open it in the symbol catalog window, then go to Symbols -> Symbol Manager, hit Import, and pick the catalog file you created above.

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