Video Tutorials

MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼 81 images Cartographer
edited February 2022 in Resources

This thread about Video Tutorials is one of the curated threads in the Resources category. This topic contains links to external sources, such as YouTube channels. Keep in mind that most of these external resources are not under control of ProFantasy Software, and we take no responsibility for the videos they post in their channel. Note that many channels also contain other videos not related to ProFantasy Software.

Only this top post is curated, users can use the comments below to provide links to additional channels and videos. Videos/Channels from the comments may or may not be included in this curated post, so browsing the comments below may find you nice videos too.

Use the Flag link to report out-of-date links in this topic, for example removed videos or channels that now post inappropriate content and should be removed from the list. Don't use it to suggest additions


Video Wall

The video wall below contains links to individual videos in an organized fashion. It includes videos from channels who have approved that I present them in this manner. It does not contain all the videos from the links above. The video wall is broken down into topics. The current headings do not represent all possible future categories, so don't be afraid to suggest something that doesn't fit an existing category. If you have a channel on any video platform and want your videos included in the wall, tell me.

Learning CC3+

These videos are basic tutorial videos for CC3+, primarily aimed at users new to the program.

Campaign Cartographer Concepts

These videos explain various core concepts, not related directly to any type of map, but generally useful for all

Blog Videos

These are video versions of blog articles over at the ProFantasy blog.


These are short videos designed to just quickly address a single command or feature

Live Streams

These are video recordings of live mapping sessions. There are certainly things to be learned from these, but they aren't nicely edited tutorials with a tight focus.

TheschabiJimPLoopysueDaltonSpencepdjjmabbott[Deleted User]RaikoWyvernAramisdanteand 5 others.


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