Video Tutorials

This thread about Video Tutorials is one of the curated threads in the Resources category. This topic contains links to external sources, such as YouTube channels. Keep in mind that most of these external resources are not under control of ProFantasy Software, and we take no responsibility for the videos they post in their channel. Note that many channels also contain other videos not related to ProFantasy Software.
Only this top post is curated, users can use the comments below to provide links to additional channels and videos. Videos/Channels from the comments may or may not be included in this curated post, so browsing the comments below may find you nice videos too.
Use the Flag link to report out-of-date links in this topic, for example removed videos or channels that now post inappropriate content and should be removed from the list. Don't use it to suggest additions
- ProFantasy Official YouTube channel
- Monsen's YouTube channel
- Joe Sweeny's (Storyweaver) YouTube channel
- Josh Plunkett's YouTube channel
- DogTag's Video Tutorials
Loopysue, what an Awesome video wall. I didn't know you all had such things on the forums. I have been searching Youtube and forums but didnt know about this. Simply great. I was wondering if you had made video on your map Orde on the wall, that was a beautiful map. I think you used annuals on that one, or made some symbols. either way simply beautiful.
Sincerely Aramis
Hi Aramisdante, this wall is all down to Remy Monsen - not me. I can only lay claim to the annuals wall ;)
Oh sorry
No worries :)