is Vintyri Still Active?

Got this stuff downloaded and installed and it all looks fantastic, However, the CSUAC/DA Map and Dungeon Dressing files are not showing up.

They are the ONLY ones not showing up and i was looking to ask for some help... but it seems that when i try to go to the Vintryi website it's not connecting...

Can someone point me in a helpful direction?


  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    Seems to load fine for me when I visit the site.

    How is it not showing up? Don't you have the correct menu options, or do the symbols show up as red X'es?
  • The link now goes only to a German language site, which appears to be a local information notice board for a town in Bavaria. Can't help feeling these links should be checked and deleted from this Forum, as being misleading to concerning (such things are one way your system can be hacked, after all).
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    edited July 2020
    Not so for me at least, the main root link,, goes to a portal page with information in both German and English, and the main vintyri project is one of the few links from this portal page. The links in the stickies that go directly to the various subpages work fine and still go to the correct pages. They even explain that the portal site is temporary, and why, so doesn't seem to be any reason to change anything. Maybe you where visiting as they changed things over, since it seems like there was issues requiring the setup of the portal page.
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    When I went to download the files again
    , there was a notice just below the first paragraph that the download links had moved. And provided a different page for the files.

    On my cell phone.
  • The website links from the CSUAC/DA Map PDF lead me here ( ) which is the above mentioned notice board site. ( it seems the /vintyri/ at the end of the mentioned web address is the missing component to the link in the PDF)

    And to answer your question Monsen, I have all the menu stuff correct but i get red X's, and i installed all the Vintry stuff in the same data folder, like the instructions said. The DA Map and Dungeon Dressing is the ONLY one that gives me red X's
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    Red X'es means that you either unzipped a file in the wrong location, or that you forgot to unizp one of the files.

    The files from the Dungeon Dressing Category should be from the file. This zip file contains all the dungeon dressing stuff, plus some additional files for the furniture category.

    You can easily check if this is correctly unzipped by checking inside your @Symbols\Dundjinni Archives\BL12_Dressing folder. If everything is correct, you should have a bunch of folders in here, first one being "Battlemap Tiles" and each of those folders should contain a bunch of .png files. Any additional or missing folder levels besides what I have described means that something wasn't unzipped, or unzipped to the wrong location.
  • Also... now that I am able to take a more in depth look into the symbols...

    Are the Vintyri symbols meant to be multi colored? I'm seeing a few that have different roof colors...
    ( Such as Building 23 in the Base & General Buildings sections, though i assume this is to represent a stable or something of the like attached to the house, and their for a separation of the two structures. Or like Building 25 in the General Buildings sections which looks like it's checkered with the same style of roofing but with a lighter color)
    ... If so, cool, i'm just curious and wondering now sense it seems like i might have done something wrong in installation above and that might be affecting other things.
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    Are you looking at the shading maps? The images with lots of purple/blues are used by CC3+ to compute shading for the roofs, they're not separate symbols.
  • No im looking at the actual symbols in CC3+.
    heres what i'm talking about, for clarity.
    Q1.PNG 567.8K
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    Ah. Yea, I guess the one is stable. For the second one, I think they might be dormers. But check out the accompanying guide, they did document the real buildings the symbols are based on. Might provide some insight.
  • Yeah, i was figuring they were dormers or something of the kind.
    Alrighty, im going to try and re-install the Dj Vol 2 stuff and see what changes.

    Thank you for your help, i'll report back soon.
  • Well everything is working now! I guess the original instillation just didnt take.

    Thank you again for your help Monsen! and it does appear the buildings are like the above because of the architectural design of the buildings in real life. So that' neat!
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    Here is the page I found the Vintyri and The Dundjinni Archives symbols on.
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