Cosmographer Auto-Planet Symbol Problem

Made some Traveller cosmographer sector maps (Cosmographer plus CC2). Made a black background and white background version of my maps. Everything looks fine, but when I export the white background to any format, all of my planet names are muddled by an additional text entry "Planet" behind the planet's name I created. This doesn't show up in the CC map at all. It is this way for every such name. On the black background maps, there is not a problem. I'm assuming that the extra unwanted "Planet" text is black on black so its there, I just can't see it.

What I've tried:

When I try to delete the name, it only shows one entity, two haven't been created (there isn't a "myname" and "Planet" text, only one entity). Under Numeric Edit, I get a dialogue box showing "tag text: Planet", "prompt text: Planet", and "default: planet named I entered". I tried deleting the tag and prompt text, but the extra "Planet" text still shows up when I export. I tried deleting about 100 planet names one by one, and re-creating them and still have the same problem. I've made sure to thaw and show all levels to see if there is any hidden text. Nothing else there. It only shows when I export.

Help please! Tried searching, can't find anything here.


  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    edited June 2009
    Hmm. Quite a strange behaviour. Seems to only affect CC2 though, CC3 with the cosmog comp upgrade is not affected.

    I don't know how to fix this (probably needs PF to create a patch for it, and I don't think they do that for CC2 any more, since it's been replaced by CC3), but one workaround is to use PDFCreator instead of exporting.This little piece of software acts as a printer driver, but instead of physically printing, it can save the output to a number of different file types, like pdf, jpg, bmp, png, etc. I did test this with CC2, and the problem you describe does not occur when you do it this way.
  • I ended up deleting all of the planet names and re-doing them using the standard text option (not the symbol). This removed the "Planet" background text from all except two which was even more surprising. For these I was forced to create white boxes on top of where the "Planet" text was appearing to white them out.
  • pvernonpvernon Betatester 🖼️ 35 images Surveyor
    I have seen this before in symbols that have a text box with a defalt text in it.
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