[WIP} Visa Heima - The Giants Playhouse

SO I am working on a theater that is designed essentially (though not strictly) for giants. There are two levels of the main room, the main floor and the mezzanine level. Here is what I have for the first floor so far. Next post will have what I have for the mezzanine level so far

I know I need to add columns to hold up the mezzanine and sconces


  • JoeyD473JoeyD473 Betatester 🖼️ 2 images Traveler
    This is what I have for the mezzanine section so far.

    It is supposed to be 50' above the main level (Remember this theater is designed to hold giants)

    The mezzanine section is for smaller creatures such as humans, elves, orcs goblins etc. What I'm not sure is if I should make it more like stadium seating with raised rows which would probably allow for more seating or make it all boxes which would be less seating. And wither way should I have some boxes for (storm) giants

    Also do you think I should round out the edges of the mezzanine section, and if so just teh corner, just the western edges?

    Also, right now the railing is very square. How can I make it look more rounded? Currently it is using the pine wood floor texture (Forgot which add on its from off hand as I have the textures from all of teh add-ons, Vintari, CUSACAnd Bogie sets) and is set to a width of 0.5'
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 41 images Cartographer
    edited June 2020
    Looking good so far, Joey :)

    It would seem to be quite a lot of trouble to chamfer the corners there now that you have more than just a simple polygon involved, so it's up to you. But if you decide to do it you can find the tools in the Edit->Trims menu.

    Making the railing look rounded would require a bevel. if you aren't going to chamfer the corners of the basic form I would use an ordinary Bevel, but it only works reasonably well if you don't have too many curves all over the place. If you decide to chamfer the basic shape of the floor and railing you might consider using a series of subtle Lighted Bevel effects on the same sheet. To make it worth all the effort I would also make the railing at least twice as wide as it is. As I remember the old theatre I used to go to when I was a child the 'rail' around that level was more of a broad shelf on top of a supporting colonnade of arches - a wall at the top of it. That was nearly 2 feet thick, and it was only rounded on the extreme edges so as not to injure anyone who fell against it. Most people in the front row used it as a drinks and popcorn shelf.
  • DaltonSpenceDaltonSpence Mapmaker
    edited June 2020
    I'm really only familiar with the way modern movie theatres are arranged but here are a few comments based on my observations. (I'm assuming the back three rows are for the giant audience while the inner rows are for humans or smaller races.)
    1. Are you certain a theatre built for giants should make its intended audience sit in the back?* Sure its easier for them to see over the heads of smaller creatures but if the play offended them they might rush the stage (which could get … messy).
    2. The spacing between seats is too wide. Seats in the same row should be touching each other (unless there are side tables between for refreshments) while the space between rows shouldn't be much greater than the depth of the facing seat from front to back.
    3. The center aisle should be a constant width equal to two of the seats on either side. The front row of each seat section should have an aisle that width in front of it too, perhaps separated from seats by a railing and a foot space equal to the seat depth.
    * Having a mezzanine over their heads might make them feel cramped too. An elevated rear section for smaller creatures might be better which could itself have an overhead gallery.
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    1950s movie theaters I went to had straight rows of seats. The one in the next town was slightly modeled after the movie theater palaces, but with fewer items. Fewer statues, only one lit fountain in the lobby, murals with a few statues on the sides, etc. The floor was slightly slanted.

    Ones I have been to this century had deeply slanted seating. About half way back to the entrance doors for the audience, its almost like sitting in a balcony seating area. The seating on the sides was slanted towards the screen.

    Not trying to get you to change anything, just providing examples.
  • JoeyD473JoeyD473 Betatester 🖼️ 2 images Traveler
    I have been working on the balcony (mezzanine) level. Decided I am going to get rid of the floor as I had it make it more round. I know that means I will have to redo the shadow on the first floor but not a huge deal (Compared to make some changes to the seats). I have decided to make the 2 corners closest to the stage box seats for Storm Giants (Using the D&D 5e lore for giant hierarchy and creature sizes). It will be two levels and hold 5 seats. Two on the lower level and 3 on the higher. Seats are moveable, not nailed down to the floor. It will have a wall with a door to get in and out

    I haven't finished the railing but I changed the texture, widened it and made it appear more roundish (At least I think it is more roundish). So far I only have the railing at the corner.

    The back section of the mezzanine will be seats for average sized (and smaller) humanoids such as Human, Elves and Halflings etc. Still working on it but thought I would put up what little progress I've made

    As for the Main level I'm going to work rework the seating a little bit but the front seats are for large (but not huge creatures) such a Ettins and younger giants. The huge seats are for Giants. Going to rework the seats to have less of the smaller chairs and more of the bigger ones but I want to finish the Balcony flooring first
  • JoeyD473JoeyD473 Betatester 🖼️ 2 images Traveler
    Finally got to do some more work on the balcony level.

    I have two problem. First one in the mezzanine style seating to the right. It is for medium and large creatures with space behind for huge sized creatures to be able to walk across from one side to the other. There are 8 levels. Level 0 is the first row and the area in the back. Each row is 2.5' higher then the below level. So the top level looks good compared to the level below it. But it should look to be like 17' above level 0 and it doesn't look like it is. How can I make it from teh back look like it is 17' over row 0?

    I decided that the storm giants had box seats for them on the mezzanine level and that it faces the stage. Unfortunately it leaves a lot of dead space on both sides. So what can I fill that dead space with? I though more seats but the wall from boxs eliminates that possibility.
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 41 images Cartographer
    It's looking good, Joey, but there is one thing that worries my mind just a bit. If there are seats for giants on the balcony, shouldn't the stairs be suitable for giants?
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 41 images Cartographer
    You could fill the dead space with corridor access to the boxes. Bear in mind that the boxes in most theatres don't usually face the stage so directly. You could have 2 boxes on either side facing out over the pits (the lower level), and corridors and stairs suitable for giants.
  • JoeyD473JoeyD473 Betatester 🖼️ 2 images Traveler
    The giants come through the doors on the sides and the stairs are for the smaller creatures.

    I know it is not normal for box seats to face stages directly but I decided that the Storm Giants decided they wanted it to show how much more important they are compared to others
  • JoeyD473JoeyD473 Betatester 🖼️ 2 images Traveler
    So I went and I did some more work on the main floor. I updated the the mezzanine level shadow to match the new shape of the mezzanine level and the staircase to the mezzanine section

    I also worked on the seating and it looks worse. Maybe instead of drawing them along the rows draw them along the columns?
  • 6 days later
  • JoeyD473JoeyD473 Betatester 🖼️ 2 images Traveler
    So I can not get the seating for the main floor right. I tried to draw lines going left right to draw the seats along but I can't get the angles right of the lines. I tried manually placing symbols but turning symbols such slight angles isn't working either. Anyone have any suggestions?
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    I would probably just have just Symbol Along to place symbols automatically along your guide lines, that should take care of the rotation nicely.

    But your guide lines are not good. Remember that you want all your seats facing the stage. But you have drawn guide lines with the same radius all the way, which means that the back seats are actually oriented towards some point in the middle of the seating area and not the stage. Remember that the circle radius gets bigger the further you get from the stage, you can't just copy the same guide line along.
  • DaltonSpenceDaltonSpence Mapmaker
    edited July 2020
    Rather than copying arcs for each row guideline you should use the OFFSET1 command (Draw Menu → Offset dialog) to draw concentric arcs a set distance apart. (Remember to change that distance for each size of seat.) You can then trim those arcs between a pair of parallel guidelines (the DBLN command [Draw menu → Lines dialog] or [Draw tools → Line popup → Double Line] is good for drawing these) by using the TRIMIE command [(Edit menu → Trims → Trim Inside) or (Single Edit and Trim tools → Trim popup → Trim Inside)].
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