Draw an Island in a Lake

I am trying to draw an Island in the middle of a lake I made in the middle of my maps continent. At first the island would vanish as the landmass sheet is under the rivers sheet the lake is on (basically it was drawing an outline on the continents landmass). I was able to get the island to show properly in the lake by cutting and pasting it from the land sheet to the river sheet. Only thing is the Island doesnt have any sheet effects like black outline glow that both the land sheet and river sheet has. Anyone got a better way to get the island drawn so that sheet effects will work?

Also on my hand drawn map parts of the coastline are high elevations and drop off as cliffs to the sea, while the rest has normal beaches. I have a glow effect on the sheet to simulate beaches, but how do I make the areas I want to be cliffs show as such?


  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    For the island. Instead of placing it on the rivers sheet, create a new sheet and place this sheet below the rivers sheet in the sheets & effects dialog, so that it will be drawn on top of them. Then just look at the effects used by the land sheet, and recreate these with the same settings on your new island sheet.

    For the cliffs, there are several ways. If you are using a cliff symbol, just place it a bit into the see so that it is drawn on top of the glow effect and hides this one. If you draw the cliffs using drawing tools, you can do the same, just place it on a sheet that is drawn on top of the land sheet, and extend them just enough into the sea to hide the glow beneath. You'll probably want to create a seperate sheet for this purpose, so that you can create sheet effects on it without affecting anything else.
  • edited May 2009
    Thanks for the help, I got the island working great but I am still a little unsure how to draw a cliff manually. I am attatching a screen sample of the area I want to turn into a cliff for a visual reference of where I am at currently.

    I would like to get rid of the beige coastline where there is cliffs and learn how to change the area I want to be cliffs from a straight black line to something resembling cliffs. Boy do I feel noobish right now :-)
  • jaerdaphjaerdaph Traveler
    I bookmarked this discussion awhile back where Ralf discusses how he does cliffs: http://forum.profantasy.com/comments.php?DiscussionID=49 Unfortunately, the link to the image is gone - I seem to recall many of the images disappeared when the forum was upgraded - perhaps Ralf or Monsen can fix that image when they get chance.
  • RalfRalf Administrator, ProFantasy 🖼️ 18 images Mapmaker
    I've attached a new version of the cliffs image to the original post linked by jaerdaph.
  • 1 month later
  • I've had the same problem myself.

    The first thing I now do is create an land island sheet for the lake itself. Another TTP that I always watch out for are the effects. the outside/inside glows have to be fairly small, because it will be competing with the effects from the lake and mainland. Not a serious complication, but you may need to play around with the settings to get it to look right.

  • 6 years later
  • Hi, Folks.

    This is my first day with this software, so I have some questions...starting with the ol' Island in a Lake thing.

    Grrrr....cannot seem to figure it out. I've created a new Sheet...called Island.
    Then, I selected the Default Terrain tool to draw my island in my lake, but after I select the terrain type, the sheet switches to LAND.
    Am I using the wrong tool when I select Default Terrain tool?
    Also, my lake is actually a swamp. Is there a way to change the color of the lake water to a goopy green?

    Can drawn items be nudged on the map for better positioning after being drawn? Do they have to be deleted and redrawn?

    Lastly, I have tree bunches that are drawn outside the frame of the map. When I complete the map, is there a way to crop anything outside the frame?
  • edited September 2015

    Don't use the default tool, use the drawing tools on the right side of your screen.

    Hope this helps. :-)
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    Posted By: Sal90066I've created a new Sheet...called Island
    The drawing tools looks for sheets that starts with the correct text string. For example, the default landmass tool looks for a sheet starting with LAND. So, if you instead of naming your sheet ISLAND name it LAND ISLAND the drawing tool will happily stay on that sheet if it is the active sheet. If it isn't the active sheet, the drawing tool will still default to LAND if it exists.
  • I've never been able to get this to work. I usually end up using a mountain or hill symbol to represent an island in a lake.
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    Sheets list, top to bottom, should be in this sequence. CC3 draws the sea first, then the land, then the lake, then the island.


    So if your island isn't showing up, its behind the other sheet or sheets.
  • Thanks for the help - the naming of Sheets layers totally makes sense with regard to the programming - I'll rename my Island layer (sorry, long-time Adobe PS / AE user) "LAND - Island".

    Can anyone answer my questions about how to:

    1) move already-placed objects?
    2) changing the color of an already-placed object
    3) selecting objects by symbol type?

  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    1. You use the move command (left-hand toolbars) to move objects around. If you simply wish to move them to another sheet/layer, use Change Properties on them instead (also left toolbars)
    2. Use Change properties. Note the difference between color and fill though.
    3. This is more involved. If by symbol type, you mean trees, mountains, cities, etc, you cannot do that directly, but you can often accomplish the same by selecting them by layer. If you haven't done so already, you should really read the Editing chapter in the manual, it explains a lot of way to do selections.
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