Drawing a broken line

I am (once again) trying to learn to use DD3 to make VTT battlemaps. I've decided to shoot for "functional" before I get to "pretty."

Anyway, I'm making a simple map of a section of sewer. I have some water running through the middle of the map, and I want to add a broken line to indicate a grate. Is there an easy way to do this? The rest of the map is pretty much done - I could export my final and doctor it in GIMP, but I really want to learn to use DD3, so I'm forcing myself to do as much as possible in the editor.

Thanks all!


  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼 81 images Cartographer
    I am a unsure what you mean by broken line. Are you talking about a standard dashed/dotted line?
    If so, all you have to do is to click the line style indicator and pick the appropriate style, set the appropriate line width, then draw a line.
  • That's exactly what I was after. Thank you.

    I wish I had more time to play with this software - it is obviously very powerful, but I have such a hard time getting anything done. A lot of the UI is very counter-intuitive for me.
  • And here is the final product. Like I said - nothing fancy. But I am proud I got a usable VTT map without *too* much strife. :-)
  • seycyrusseycyrus Traveler
    Not too bad.

    Have you watched any of the tutorial videos and tried to follow along?
  • I have. The issue is I start the process of learning the program, and then life intervenes and when I get back to the CC3, I've forgotten most of what I learned.

    Honestly, I just need to start making maps. This one came up as a need for my next game session, so I kind of force hacked my way through it. But it did make me realize that with a little training, I think I can get to the point of making decent looking maps without too much time invested.
  • seycyrusseycyrus Traveler
    Posted By: TheIneffableCheeseI have. The issue is I start the process of learning the program, and then life intervenes and when I get back to the CC3, I've forgotten most of what I learned. ...
    Yes, That's what happens to me, and I suspect many others as well. The trick is that each time you forget a little less - meaning you've remembered a bit more!

    What really helped me in the beginning was tackling a small project first. It's easy to want to do the big grandiose stuff, but it is best to save that for later.

    Is there an inn that your players frequent? That is a good starting project.
  • No inn or anything that is a centerpiece. I'm thinking I may start with copying a few maps from existing resources. We're in Eberron - currently Sharn; there are lots of sample encounter maps that were provided in several source books that I think I'll just copy. That's basically what the image above was.

    Slow and steady as they say.
  • JimPJimP 🖼 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    edited June 2020
    Feel free to use any of my maps on my Crestar site

    My downloads page has adventure png files and text.
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