Do I need the CC3 Compatibility updates?

Hello everyone, I am a new user of this fantastic set of tools.

I have always wanted to purchase it but only recently had the opportunity.

I have purchased CC3 and the addons, and installed them all a few days ago.

My question is, when I go to the "Web Features for registered users" I can see all my registered products there, and to the right there are some "CC3 Compatibility Updates"

Do I need to install them on top of the addons I have installed, or are they already included in the downloads I did?


  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 51 images Cartographer
    edited January 2010
    You only need the compatibility addons if you have older CC2 addons not updated to V3 status. If you purchased everything new now, that should be the Cosmographer, Character Artist, Dioramas, Perspectives, Symbol Set 3, and all source maps except cities. For all of these addons, you must NOT install the addon into the CC3 directory (as this will break your CC3 install), but only the compatibility update. For all other addons (Dungeon Designer, City Designer, Symbol Set 1 & 2, source maps: cities), you do NOT need the compatibility update, and should not install it.
  • Ah thanks much for the clarification!
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