Missing Features

Can you do polls with this forum if you need to?
If so, how about a poll for desired features?
It seems we're missing smileys and so on (I despise them, but it seems like most people like them).


  • RalfRalf Administrator, ProFantasy 🖼️ 18 images Mapmaker
    Polls are a possible add-on to Vanilla. Not installed yet, but I can do that easily.
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 51 images Cartographer
    edited March 2008
    Posted By: Bidmaron
    It seems we're missing smileys and so on (I despise them, but it seems like most people like them).
    You're not the only one who despise them. I vote for smileys NOT being included.
  • For the record, I'm ambivalent on smileys. Don't think I'd miss them if they were gone, but wouldn't mind it if they were there.

  • RalfRalf Administrator, ProFantasy 🖼️ 18 images Mapmaker
    I might do a poll, once the forum is announced properly to see what the majority people want.
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Cartographer
    edited March 2008
    Some forums I'm on the ability to edit one's remarks goes away quickly. Some it stays for days. I wouldn't mind the ability to edit... I do make mistakes on urls as those from the mailing list know well. The ones I posted today I copied and pasted from my web sites. So they are okay.

    Maybe we could also add small .sigs, no graphics, to our posts. Or in the profile. Basically a link to our websites where we have examples, our maps, etc.

    aka one of the Jim's from the mailing list.
  • Not so much a missing feature, as a missing sub-forum. I've found that one of the things that fosters more of a comunity on a forum is the ability to have off-topic discussions, that don't necessarily apply to the site or company itself.

    I'd suggest adding a sub-forum specifically for off-topic chatter. That way partially revelent stuff like Mr Gygax's death (RIP Gary) and completely irrevelant stuff like where to get dice still have a place on the forum, and the mods don't have to police the dedicated threads as diligently to remove the OT chatter.
  • Mogul76Mogul76 Traveler
    First of all I'd like to congratulate Ralf for creating these superb forums. The layout looks very nice and I personally believe that having this message board will significantly increase interaction within the community. Yahoo Groups just aren’t everyone’s cup of tea. Moreover, it is a great marketing tool which will most certainly attract new customers in the near future. The only thing which - in my opinion - is missing at the moment is a categorisation in form of sub-boards. May I suggest the following structure:

    - News
    - Feedback
    - Tips and tricks
    - Off-topic
    - Contests (if you intend to organise them in the future)
    - Map and symbol creation requests (to the community)
    - Campaign and world maps
    - City maps
    - Dungeon maps
    - Modern maps
    - Futuristic maps and spacecraft deck plans
    - Isometric maps
    - Symbols, symbol sets, textures and drawing tools
    - Macros
    - Others including Character Artist and Dioramas


    Mogul aka Iskallus
  • Nice list there Mogul.

    If we are saying no to smileys, I think we should say no to sigs too. Look at all the messages above. Nice, clear, clean and simple. I'm on too many forums where the sig, whether graphic or not, is bigger than the message and so it takes far too much work to filter out the real one line messages from the rest. That being said, if we voted for or againsy smilies, I vote for, after all, a frown or a smile can convey a lot, or simply we end up with :) or :( :-P

    Hmm, need to play with the text or the html option - what can we do with those?!
  • I was looking at the add-ons for the Vanilla software, and it seems that there is an option for sigs that can only have one line, and no pics. If sigs are added, that's the option I vote for.
  • Maybe I'm just missing it, but is there a "recent posts" or "unread posts" selection somewhere so I can just see the items that I haven't read yet?
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 51 images Cartographer
    Posted By: ob1knorrbMaybe I'm just missing it, but is there a "recent posts" or "unread posts" selection somewhere so I can just see the items that I haven't read yet?
    Topics with unread messages have a different background color on the Index Page
  • RalfRalf Administrator, ProFantasy 🖼️ 18 images Mapmaker
    edited March 2008
    Posted By: Mogul76First of all I'd like to congratulate Ralf for creating these superb forums. The layout looks very nice and I personally believe that having this message board will significantly increase interaction within the community. Yahoo Groups just aren’t everyone’s cup of tea. Moreover, it is a great marketing tool which will most certainly attract new customers in the near future. The only thing which - in my opinion - is missing at the moment is a categorisation in form of sub-boards. May I suggest the following structure:
    Click on the "Categories" tab to see the different categories set up for the forum. We're trying to keep the number of categories to a relatively small size, because we feel "over-categorization" harms rather than helps the board. Note that this is a bit of a test-phase for the forum, and we'll be making adjustments as we go along to optimize it for everyone's needs.
  • olonaolona Newcomer
    Hey, great job with the forum.

    I think this will help exposing more people to the great software ProFantasy produces, and then in turn, you can improve it even more when the customer base increase.

    I agree with the Sig option. If it should be added, one line is more than enough. Please do not add it unless you can limit it.
    Smileys: why not try a forum with out the smileys. Would be nice for a change.

    And I agree on the number of categories Ralf, keep it small in the beginning, it will soon be apparent which categories are in need of a split...

    Keep up the good work folks!
  • edited March 2008
    First, I thank you for this forum.
    Next, I would like to know, why ProFantasy set resolution for dungeon symbols 20 pixels per unit despite 40 pixels per unit like Dundjinni art. I think 40 pixels are pretty smart. I know 20 pxls are usually more then enough, but computers can hande 40pxls nowadays and more in future. And second, there would be a better symbol transformation between Dundjinni and CC comunity... Is there a chance to change it in any patch in near future?
    P.S. Can't wait for CD3. :)
    P.P.S. I use a great source for textures - http://www.cgtextures.com with some modifications in PS.
  • Here here.. this forum is great. I've already received several handy tips, and (I hope!!) given some.

    This will definately improve community involvement! This forum is growing daily.
  • I'm for some kind of signature too. A one liner would be more than sufficient. I'd also like to see the post count and some kind of ranking is always fun, i find.


  • JoeyD473JoeyD473 Betatester 🖼️ 2 images Traveler
    Maybe there is one and I just missed it, but a mark as read and mark all as read options might be a good idea
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