Importing from FT3 to CC3+ stays white


Is there an issue with FT3 exports and CC3+? When i open the fcw file its just a white screen and i can place symbols but not draw landmasses.


  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 39 images Cartographer
    Hi Sellt

    Sorry to ask the obvious, but have you tried clicking the show all button (that one with the four arrows near the top right of the screen)? I am assuming that since you have only just joined the forum you are a new user.

    I only ask, because FT exports tend to be on the massive side, and when I started using it I found I was staring at one tiny white corner of the map and thinking the file empty.
  • Hi Loopysue,

    Yes i tried that. I did also go through all sheets, hiding and unhiding to see if any of them is the culprit. And it feels like CC3+ is reacting way to fast for there being a huge map loaded.

    So i guess from your question that using FT3 in CC3+ is normally working?
  • Ok, i more or less found the problem. If i set the export to detail level: fine (1024) it only makes a white map. Every level below makes an actual map and works. Not sure why that is.
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 39 images Cartographer
    Sorry Sellt. I had to go off for a while.

    I'm glad that you managed to work it out by yourself.

    1024 level apparently not working? That is a very interesting discovery, and maybe it needs reporting to the techs.

    I have never tried exporting at the 1024 level, because I only have a very mediocre laptop, these days, but all the maps I have exported at lower levels certainly seem to have more than enough detail to satisfy the eye. Its probably best to stick to the lowest level you feel happy with, or you get thousands of tiny little islands in every coastline and contour, which won't be all that useful in the making of the map.

    Have fun :)
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 51 images Cartographer
    Not sure why this is happening. I always use 1024 for my exports, and haven't had any problems before using it. However, I did a test on a random map managing to recreate the problem, but once I went back to exporting from my main world it started working fine again. (Doesn't matter if I run as admin or not)
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 39 images Cartographer
    Are the pair of us missing an update patch?

    I have downloaded and installed everything on my account list, but maybe we missed one somewhere along the way?
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