Gurnic: A Kingdom in Erdan´s World
Hey all.
Being absent last weeks/months due RL, but now i got finally some time back and wanted to show you my last map.
I drawn my RPG world map, Erdan (, and now planning to draw all Erdan´s kingdoms. I started by the first place my players met.
The map is done with CC3+, DeRust style with some textures/symbols from other styles as HH, and also some made /drawn by myself. Used Photoshop CC to make the sea, final effects and the labeling. It took me quite a time but now it´s done the other ones will go much faster as the style is already defined. Probably won´t post them as they will add few to you. Sorry about the map´s size, the one i´m using is like 47mb size so you can guess the detail will be lost a bit.
Need help on which of the 3 maps i will post do you like more. Two of them have different sea effects and one adds a parchment sheet. If anyone has any suggestion about improving the map, (s)he´s welcomed.
Thanks in advance, there it is:
Being absent last weeks/months due RL, but now i got finally some time back and wanted to show you my last map.
I drawn my RPG world map, Erdan (, and now planning to draw all Erdan´s kingdoms. I started by the first place my players met.
The map is done with CC3+, DeRust style with some textures/symbols from other styles as HH, and also some made /drawn by myself. Used Photoshop CC to make the sea, final effects and the labeling. It took me quite a time but now it´s done the other ones will go much faster as the style is already defined. Probably won´t post them as they will add few to you. Sorry about the map´s size, the one i´m using is like 47mb size so you can guess the detail will be lost a bit.
Need help on which of the 3 maps i will post do you like more. Two of them have different sea effects and one adds a parchment sheet. If anyone has any suggestion about improving the map, (s)he´s welcomed.
Thanks in advance, there it is:
First of all, i wouldn´t do it without the EDIT COASTLINE option that i learned thanks to Monsen. Props. I guess i could do it editing in Photoshop but it would be way slower. CC3 is more powerful in terms of coastline editing and creating. Still, i could erase some coast by simple delete some chunks of it in Photoshop to make it look sharper. Didn´t need it so i didn´t do it.
Second, for the effects i had two options, using CC3 ones or PS ones. I´m more used to the PS ones so i used them but i think i could emulate them perfectly in CC3. It´s a matter of taste. Basically, i outlined the coastline in black and then beveled it. I also deleted the rivers so they would take the same effects as the coastline once in PS, but i could just edit the coastline to do the rivers. Did the PS because i considered it would be faster.
I found a problem with CC3 bevel: i couldn´t get the light to be too dominant and making the map to look like it´s being iluminated. I could get it with PS, meaning i could give a 3D effect to the coastline. Probably it´s more due my ignorance and i´m sure that can be done.
Finally, i drawed in black the ripples and then give them transparency until the effect was satisfying to me. Added some white to give more depth feeling.
Check one image about the coastline with different effects on and off (full effects, no bevel, no effects).
DeRust style, for example, don´t have pines symbols so i used HH ones and couldn´t be happier with them. Plus some annuals blend together wonderfully....I made myself some few symbols aswell and changed some. The windmills you can see at the West in this section of the map are made using the DeRust lighthouse base so they fit with the map style.
Fantastic personal style, Medio
I think I prefer the coastline on the second version. The first is a bit weak, and the last is just a tiny bit overpowering. Not entirely keen on the embossed/etched look of the lines around the coast. Maybe they would be better without the 3D effect?
Which of these symbols did you draw yourself?
What Annual is DeRust in?
The coastline image was just for showing how i worked it; agree on the bevel not looking good at that scale, but on the overall map looks great to me; actually it´s one of the things which give the map an "ancient" look which i was looking for and something i will keep using due it.
My own symbols... let´s see. Some village icons - the wooden palisade ones, the hut ones -, some caves, the waterfall, the statues on the mountains, the windmills whichs are based on the lighthouse symbol...
Things i would do different now that i´m watching it again: the forest shape and probably the forests themselves. Some symbols size, villages specially. Things i will try to improve on next map of the series, which should be ready by mid June.