First Herwin Wielink Map
Hey everyone!
This is my first map in the Wielink style. Its still in progress but I was just
wondering if you guys could help me out with some professional advice/ critical comments...
By the way: The map will not be used for a role-play game but for a novel.
Thanks a lot!
This is my first map in the Wielink style. Its still in progress but I was just
wondering if you guys could help me out with some professional advice/ critical comments...
By the way: The map will not be used for a role-play game but for a novel.
Thanks a lot!
here it comes:
I really love the landmass shape.
The resolution is a bit small to comment more, but perhaps some feature, like the marsh? in the middle could benefit from a edge fade effect.
thank you
Thank you for your intrest in the story. I have to admit that I am just at the beginning and that it will be in German
Well my German is a bit rusted but it won't be the first novel I read in German. Viel Glück!
If you liked something - why? Is there something that looks too regular (e.g. the forrests) or
impossible (e.g. river flows)? Do you feel like you are "falling" into the map and could imagine walking around their beating the hell out of a dragon ...
I was also wondering if their are any parts of the map that look too empty/ full/ and so on...
Are their too many/ less forrests/ settelements/ special sites (I know its small but is it possible for you to see it in the pdf-version)?
Thanks (its always great to get in contact with people that have a passion)
- still greatful for every single advice!
Agree with Dogtag, the coast lines are well done.
Dont know if its appropriate, but maybe you could add a few of the major sea traveling/trading routes.
Are you planning to name the cities and towns btw? Or just leave it as it is?
But yes, I think you should stick some name labels in there
after a long sunday the map looks like this (your critizism is appreciated!):
I actually like the blue sea!
I just thought to use a more readable font for the cities and I kind of like the two fonts... but I will sleep a night over it
Again, THANK YOU - I really like your constructive feedback!
Or, if you just want to change the size, you can use the regular Scale [SCA] command. It works just as well on text as with other entities.
I believe you can edit the size with the "Edit Properties" tool. But perhaps a CC3 veteran could be more of assistance.
[EDIT: ah! Monsen beat me to it]
The landscape map is mindblowing !!
Out of curiosity, what are the units used in the scale?
I am working on the text labels but probably wont have time until sunday.
The units in the scale are "Weitschritt" =great step or big step which is similar to cilometers.
Would you scale the map up or down or leave it as it is? This is supposed to be a continent
but I still want my characters to come around quikly since they rely on foot or horseback.
On the font, in my opinion your choice is a bit too elaborate for general labeling. It's great for the title (the "Eudorion), but becomes too hard to read as the size decreases for the other labels. I'd check for a simpler font to use and keep this one only for the title. Just my 2 cents.
And, hey, where'd you get that sea monster by the scale? It looks great!