EILAN DANAAD Population: 131 Centuries ago, a community of sea elves established Eilan Danaad, a harbor and village located both above the rocks and reefs as well as on the seabed below. The community lies north of Taenya, an island off the coast of the elven kingdom of Enia. At Eilan Danaad, the residents can trade the seafood and marine plant life found in the ocean depths for other goods offered by merchant ships. They also provide ship repair and maintenance services for passing ships. And they can help guide ships through the dangerous reefs, taking care to avoid the tentacled creature that has taken up residence on the reefs located northeast of the harbor. The village has a population of 131 fulltime residents, though other sea elves often pass through to trade with the locals, socialize, or take shelter from storms. The residents of Eilan Danaad swear fealty to the sea elf monarchs beneath the waves but have political and trade alliances with Enia. The harbor has been constructed as a horseshoe-shaped great wall towering above the rocky reef. The first tier of the wall rises 50 feet above the rocks; the higher tier rises another 30 feet above the first. Two outer towers rise at the ends of the horseshoe wall, while a massively larger Great Tower is in the middle of the horseshoe. All three are equipped with luminescent crystals that reflect off polished mirrors to emit enough light to warn passing ships of the reefs. All three have a landing pad on their flat roofs for guests with mounts like griffons and other winged steeds. Marine Side The village of Eilan Danaad is built on the seabed on the north side of the harbor. Here, the villagers live in rounded homes to better deflect ocean currents and waves. Each is one, two, or three stories tall, with a turret entranceway at the top. The two- and three-story homes generally have a common room off of the entry turret, with bedrooms in the levels below. None of the homes are equipped with proper kitchens, since it would be impossible to light a fire beneath the waves. Instead, two areas of the village have been set up as common cooking areas (#3), leveraging the hot water emitted from geothermal vents. Villagers cook their food on long skewers over the vents and then either bring their cooked food home or eat communally in the Dining Gardens (#4). The marine side of the village does not have many shops, just a single General Store (#2) that sells merchandise and goods suitable for underwater life. The Eidyia Inn (#1) provides refuge for traveling sea elves and other friendly, intelligent aquatic allies, as well as a place where locals can socialize. Of course, they cannot drink alcohol (or other beverages) beneath the waves. Instead, the inn serves mildly psychedelic mushrooms, fermented sea cucumbers, and other edible intoxicants. Two agricultural gardens (#5) provide food for the community to supplement the sea life hunted by the sea elves and fisherfolk. Pillars stand in the middle of these gardens, which are equipped with an enchantment that can create the illusion of a great shark patrolling the agricultural beds. The shark emits a low-grade Fear enchantment that has no effect on elves and minimal effect on other intelligent creatures other than creating a vague sense of unease. For non-intelligent fish and other creatures, the Fear spell triggers their flight reflex, protecting the elves' crops from scavengers. 1. Eidyia Inn 2. General Store 3. Cooking Vents 4. Dining Gardens 5. Agriculture Gardens 6. Reefs Harbor Side The harbor's great wall protects the above-ground dwellings from all but the fiercest hurricanes. The Great Tower in the middle of the harbor extends all the way down to the seabed. Rooms in the portions of the tower that are beneath sea level are filled with water, while higher rooms are not. The tower provides emergency shelter during powerful storms. Although the elves can breathe water and will not drown in the storms, they might be blown many out to sea if they aren't careful. In addition, the tower is the seat of the local government and also has recreational space for the village and harbor residents. Although there is no native source of fresh water at the harbor, three mighty cisterns collect rainwater from the frequent sprinkles and squalls that quickly pass through almost daily. At the Harbormaster's Office, travelers can pay port fees and arrange for ship repairs and fresh supplies. They can also arrange to trade goods and services with the locals. Unlike other harbors, sailors can benefit from the sea elves' ability to remain underwater indefinitely while they repair the ships. The Callirhoe Inn (#12) is very popular with sailors eager for a bed that doesn't rock and a night of carousing. Although the locals speak the common tongue, when they are at Ahab's Taverna (#15), they pretend they can only speak Elvish and Aquan. Visitors will have a great time if they try to speak the local tongue. For visitors who cannot speak Elvish or Aquan, it's best to socialize at Callirhoe's. 7. Great Tower 8. Outer Towers 9. Harbormaster 10. Warehouses 11. Blacksmith 12. Callirhoe Inn 13. Rainwater Cisterns 14. General Store 15. Ahab's Taverna 16. Dry Docks 17. Ship Repair Workshop Cartography Note The northeast corner includes tentacles created by Sue Daniel that are available for free from ProFantasy here: https://forum.profantasy.com/discussion/13215/free-assets-by-sue-daniel Toggles "Lighthouse Glow" layer - Turns on/off a glow indicating where light from the lighthouse emits.