Coils of the Cold Coroner Author: Autumn Getty, February 2021. Introduction Coils of the Cold Coroner is an adventure that takes place in Ikilik’s Hole, an ancient amalgamation of caves and halls in the hills on Ice Peak Isle on the world of Nibirum. The complex has recently been rediscovered by the Qeorvik, who inhabit that isle, and soon after many Qeorvik started going missing. The relatives of these missing people would be grateful if someone were to enter the complex and find out what happened to these people. Complicating this storyline is the discovery that there is a community of Qeorvik already living in the chambers at the entrance to the complex, and has been for quite some time. This community follows a mysterious leader named the Cold Coroner, and is in thrall to an ancient evil that lurks somewhere in the underground Path of the Serpent. The Coils of the Cold Coroner has been designed for an adventuring party of 3-5 players around level 7. Background A few generations ago a small group of Qeorvik on their way to Kuk’uq to sell seal meat and organs was caught in an ice storm. They wandered through the hills looking for a cave to take shelter in and came upon some broken statues in front of a door. Entering, they found empty halls and began to explore them while they waited for the storm to pass. Leaving the initial halls, the Qeorvik discovered the ancient Serpent Path, which is actually a frozen creature named Ikilik. Radiating out from its body were some more halls, a small cave system, and a large mausoleum full of rooms housing the dead. Only a few of the Qeorvik were brave enough to explore the mausoleum, and of these, only one returned. He told a tale of meeting a creature that called itself the Cold Coroner. It had told him to return to the others and tell them that if they moved into these halls it would give them all they desired. Some of them decided to stay, while others feared the caverns and wished to return to their lives above ground. The former group slew the latter, already under the ancient influence of the evil on the Serpent Path. They stayed in the halls, gradually importing furniture and other conveniences from the coastal towns of Ice Peak Isle. In the past few generations they have had children, and the community has grown. The inhabitants are slavishly loyal to the Cold Coroner and its master. They have been kidnapping Qeorvik they find isolated and bringing them to the mausoleum, where they are transformed into the fearful othoids. None of the Qeorvik have actually seen the ancient evil, or even know of its existence. A few have contact with the Cold Coroner, who is actually a blue abishai. Adventure Summary The adventure can start in any of the communities of Ice Peak Isle. If the heroes are Qeorvik, they can start in one of the many small seal-hunting communities of the north coast. If they are from elsewhere, they will overhear rumours in taverns that are frequented by traders in the towns of the south. This approach will also work if the group is mixed. After finding Ikilik’s Hole, the heroes will encounter the descendants of the original settlers of the entrance halls. The group will seem friendly, and will be eager to trade with the heroes. They will eventually be approached by Tanaraq, who will request that they find her missing brother and tell them how to find the mausoleum. Entering the mausoleum, they will find it protected by a variety of different creatures. The missing man is in one part of the mausoleum, where he awaits transformation into one of the horrible othoids. In another part of the mausoleum the heroes will encounter the Cold Coroner. If they defeat him, they will find an exit onto the Serpent Path, which lies at the bottom of an extremely narrow fissure. In the caverns along the path they will find many grotesque creatures, culminating in a fight with the ancient evil Taaqti. The Community in Ikilik’s Hole The community is divided into three different factions: a military group, dominated by men; a snow cult, who are exclusively women; and a group of entertainers, which is much more transient. The first group, charged with protection of the complex, is actually the most welcoming. Though it is dominated by men there are also several women among their number. They have a keen interest in selling weapons that have been made in the complex to the players, and an even keener interest in stories from the outer world. They do much of the hunting and foraging for the community, so there may only be a few present when the heroes arrive at Ikilik’s Hole. The snow cult live and practice their magic in the caves south of the military barracks. The magic they practice is all cold-themed, and their signature attack is with conjured snowballs that are capable of killing the average person if desired. The cult will not allow the heroes to enter past the stone barrier in the caves if there are men present. If there are no men, they will be permitted access. The women of the snow cult are very suspicious of strangers, but will welcome women in, hoping that they will wish to join the cult. They are in constant conflict with the military group. The group of entertainers is further divided into two smaller groups. The first is an acting troupe that travels from the southern cities of Alarius throughout the continent, performing in communities along the way. This group is a constant target of the snow cult, particularly the female performers, who are sometimes chased after by the men of the community. The second group is a group of slavers and their gladiators, who are made to fight in a pit in the complex while others observe. The slavers are vicious men and unlikely to be friendly unless the heroes are willing to bet on the fights that go on here. Running the Adventure The GM may run the adventure in a fairly direct manner if desired. To do this, have the heroes explore the community areas in a natural way, but have Tanaraq approach them as early as possible. Though she is one of the snow cult, Tanaraq doesn’t hate men as much as the others, and she has snuck away after hearing there were strangers in Ikilik’s Hole. The heroes can then depart for the mausoleum right away. The material here can also be used as the basis for a longer campaign. If so, have the heroes establish trust with at least one of the groups. They may take part in raids against the Qeorvik settlements, or look for rare items in the area surrounding Ikilik’s Hole. The complex will then become a home base for the heroes while they pursue their goals. At some point, have Tanaraq approach the group about her missing brother, and they can begin to explore the mausoleum. Area 1: Entrance Halls This area looks like a self-contained underground home made up of a long hallway, a cooking area, an eating and living area, and several bedrooms of various sizes. There is a secret door in room 8, which leads to the Serpent Path. In this area, rooms will be occupied on a roll of 18-20. All rooms are lit by torchlight. 1. Entrance Hallway. A long hallway that turns to the right after 60 feet. There are a variety of furs hanging on the wall to the left, probably meant to be worn. 2. Gathering Room. 20 X 40 room. A room with a few tables, a bench and a chair in it, along with some bookshelves. This is where traders are received and trade conducted, often over meals. 3. Cooking Area. 20 X 20 room. A primitive stove, a table with prepared foods on it, and cupboards lining the walls. Food is prepared here for traders and other visitors. 4. Water Closet. 10 X 20 room. A privy and bath for overnight visitors. 5. Small Room. 15 X 20 room. Two beds, two cupboards, and a chest. A small room for traders that stay the night. 6. Small Room. 15 X 20 room.Two beds, a cupboard, and a desk. A small room for traders that stay the night. 7. Medium Room. 20 X 30 room. A slightly larger room intended for couples. 8. Keeper’s Room. 30 X 60 room. A large bed and table, many shelves, a cluttered desk and a rich rug. This is Inuksuk’s room and study. He is keeper of the trader’s lodge, but has also been trained in alchemy and magic by the Cold Coroner. There is a secret door in the east wall (DC 10) that leads to the Serpent Path. Area 2: The Serpent Path, Barracks The Serpent Path is the frozen body of Ikilik, and feels a little like ice, but with a more leathery consistency. It is a five foot drop from the Keeper’s Room (#8 in Area 1) to the path, but there is a rope with a knot at its bottom to make dropping down easier. 9. Bridge. 15 feet above the Serpent Path there is a splintered bridge. It joins more stone rooms with caverns on either side of the bridge. There is a rope ladder hanging from the bridge. A few feet away from it, are two ropes leading down to a wooden platform on the Serpent Path. The platform is used to lift supplies up to the bridge. 10. Barracks Watchroom. 40 X 50 room. Fireplace, desk with chair, table with five chairs (a deck of cards and some cups scattered on it), suit of mail, some large reclining cushions. A lone guard sits at the desk, and will ask the business of any seeking to go into the barracks. He will attempt to stop anyone entering Inuksuk’s workroom. 11. L-shaped Hallway. 10 feet wide, turns right after ten feet. Suit of mail. 12. Inuksuk’s Workroom. 20 X 30. Tub of water, fireplace, alchemy table and chair, side table with ingredients, fireplace, table with dead man on it, blood on the floor. Inuksuk does alchemy in this room, and some of that includes human body parts. 13. Barracks Dining Hall. 40 X 40. 6 tables with chairs, two sideboards. The sideboards have prepared food in them. 14. Storage Room and Privy. 10 X 10. Storage cabinet, 3 sacks, curtains blocking off a privy and tub. Food in the cabinet and sacks. 15. Barracks Sleeping Area. 20 X 40. 11 beds and chests, a fireplace, five chairs. 16. Long Hall. 10 X 50. Empty. 17. Captain’s Room. 20 X 20. Bed, cupboard, desk, suit of mail, large table (with maps of the region spread out on it), poor quality rug underneath the table. 18. Privy and Bath. 10 X 10 room. Privy, tub, and some logs for the fireplace. 19. Barracks Kitchen. 30 X 30 room. Wood stove, 2 side boards, prep table, 5 sacks of food, central table for plating, 2 cupboards, 2 storage shelves. Food is prepared here for the barracks group. 20. Hall. 10 X 20. Empty. 21. Cook’s Bedroom. 20 X 30. Bed, chest, fireplace, chair, table with chair, wardrobe. 22. Barracks Sleeping Area. 20 X 30. 8 beds and chests, fireplace, 3 stools. 23. Kitchen Storage Room. 10 X 10. 7 storage cabinets containing food, dinnerware, cooking instruments. 24. Blacksmith’s Workroom. Bellows, anvil, table, tub, 3 chairs, 5 sacks, 6 barrels. Weapons and armor are crafted for the barracks dwellers here. Some are sold. 25. Blacksmith’s Bedroom. 20 X 20. Bed, side table, fireplace, wardrobe, poor quality rug. 26. Armoury. 20 X 20. 3 tables (various weapons on them), 3 barrels (weapons shafts in them), a stack of 3 shields, 2 storage cabinets, 3 suits of mail. Area 3: Caves of the Snow Cult 27. Entrance Tunnel. Varies in width from 5 to 10 feet. Chilly, but otherwise empty. 28. Pool Cavern. Circular cavern, roughly 24 feet in diameter. There is a pool with a thin layer of ice over in this cavern. At its edge lie many figurines in various female forms. 29. Refuse Corridor. Roughly 15 X 15, square cavern with corridors branching off. There is a stone wall bisecting the cavern with a stone door in it. A corridor to the south ends in a large pile of refuse. This is the barrier to the snow cult’s caves. There is a large bell mounted into the wall which the heroes may ring to get the snow cult’s attention. They will not willingly allow the heroes to enter the snow caves if there are any males with them. If there aren’t, the heroes may enter, and are expected to take an interest in the activities of the cult. 30. Snow Cult Caves Entrance. Other half of the room from #29. There is a lone table and chair on the other side of the wall, with a cultist seated there to mind the entrance. 31. Alchemy Alcove. 20 X 30 cave. 2 alchemy workstations, 3 bookshelves (the books are on alchemy and herbalism), and two storage cupboards with supplies. In addition to being the main crossroads of the cave, this is where the snow cult practices alchemy. Most of their work is in concocting cures for common maladies. 32. Ossuary. Corridor behind the sacrificial pool. In the back of this sacrificial cavern lie heaps of bones and skulls. 33. Sacrificial Cavern and Tomb. Cavern connected to a large corridor that ends in a dead end. Large pool to the south, very cold but not frozen over. Altar, table with sacred implements, two statues of strange looking creatures, a sarcohphagus. Ningook, a hooded and robed woman, spends her time here. She will keep her back to the heroes at all times. She is a medusa, and takes great pains not to allow anyone to see her face, lest they be turned to stone. Men are occasionally sacrificed here, and their bones stored in the ossuary. The sarcophagus holds the body of a dead woman, which the snow cult claims to serve, though they do not know who she is. 34. Dining Area. Small cavern, 20 X 20. 4 tables with chairs and a firepit. 35. Well Corridor. Wide corridor. 4 cupboards with food supplies, a well. 36. Cooking Area. 15 X 15. Woodstove, 2 sideboards, a prep table. 37. Dormitory. 20 X 50 cavern. 12 beds, 4 wardrobes, a well, a tub, a firepit, a privy. Area 4: Playhouse and Fighting-room. 38. Entrance. Narrow stone platform leading to a door. The winterskin rises to meet the platform; its texture is very slippery, but with just enough roughness to make negotiating the rise assured. Otherwise featureless. 39. Reception. 20 X 20 room. Table and chair. A man is seated here, and will inquire as to the interests of visitors, asking if they would prefer to watch a play or see someone die. He will direct any visitors to the proper area of the entertainment complex. 40. Hallway. 10 X 40. Empty. 41. Dormitory. 30 X 30. Eight beds and chests, a table, a larger chest (full of costumes for plays), a fireplace. The traveling acting troupe sleeps in this room. 42. Playhouse. 60 X 70. A large stage, 21 pews. Assorted props lying on the floor. 43. Tavern Room. 30 X 50. 7 tables with chairs, a large table set up as a bar. This room is set up to be between the playhouse and fighting-room. Spectators of both activities can eat and drink here, but rarely mingle. 44. Hall of Punishment. 10 X 80. 7 sets of manacles in the wall. Uncooperative gladiators are kept here and starved until compliance is achieved. Sometimes used to store extra prisoners until others have died. 45. Privy. 10 X 10. Privy and fountain for washing hands. 46. Prep Room. 20 X 20. Woodstove, 2 cupboards, 2 side tables and a central table (food and drink on them), three chairs. Food and beverages are prepared for the tavern room here. 47. Fighting Room. 40 X 70. Large sand area for fighting, 30 X 40. 8 manacles set into the surrounding walls. Pile of weapons and discarded clothing from the dead. 15 pews for spectators. 48. Hallway. 10 X 30. Two long wooden boxes filled with food and an amphora of water. The food kept here is to keep the gladiators alive. 49. Gladiator Room. 20 X 30. 7 cots, a firepit, an amphora of water, an empty bucket. The gladiators live in this room when not fighting. If they are successful and well-behaved, they are allowed to fraternize with the actors. Area 5: Mausoleum Entrance Chambers Doors: All doors are stone, have an AC of 17 and 30 hp. Many of the doors in lesser-used parts of the mausoleum have thick ice around their edges and must be broken down. 1. Entrance Hall. 20 X 30 room. 2 statues on the walls to either side of the door, one on the far wall. An altar on the left wall, opposite the door. Broken bits of ceramic material on the altar. Encounter: 1 banshee, 2 wights. Door to #2 is locked, DC 15. 2. L-shaped Corridor. Extends 40 feet to the left, then 30 more feet after a left turn. Empty. Door to room #3 is stuck. Door to room #5 is stuck and trapped (camouflaged pit, manual reset, DC 15 Dexterity (Athletics) roll to avoid, 10 ft. deep (1d6 damage), Perception/Investigation DC 20, Disable DC 15). Door to #8 is stuck. Door to #9 is stuck and trapped (razor wire across corridor, Perception DC 15, 1d6 damage). 3. Embalming Room. 20 X 20 room. Large round stone table, capable of spinning. It has a skeleton on it, and nearby are an empty jug, some kind of ceramic container, and some embalming tools. There is an empty metal bucket on the floor. Door to room #2 is stuck. Door to room #4 is stuck. Door to room #5 is stuck. 4. Storage Room. 20 X 20 room. There is debris in the room, mostly rotting wood. Hidden treasure: Perception/Investigation roll, DC 20. Mixed in with the rubbish are the remains of a rotting grey sack and 60 ep. 5. Caretaker’s Crib. 20 X 30 room. There is a simple coffin in the southwest corner of the room. Encounter: The “Caretaker” is an alhoon, who is charged with preventing entry into the area of the mausoleum which contains the dead. Door to room #2 is stuck and trapped (the trap portion is in the corridor; see Area 2 for details). Door to room #6 slides to the south and is locked (DC 15). Door to room # 7 is stuck. Door to room #10 is stuck. 6. Kitchen Area. 20 X 20 room. This room has a still usable fireplace, along with a broken table and some debris in the corner (including rotted firewood). 7. Storage Room. 10 X 10 room. Empty. 8. Storage Room. 10 X 10 room. If this room is entered, a swarm of ice beetles will rise from the floor and attack collectively. Otherwise, the room is empty. 9. Storage Room. 10 X 10 room. Empty. 10. Oddly-shaped Corridor. See map for dimensions. Door to room #11 is stuck. South door to room #12 is trapped (pit trap, manually reset, hidden switch bypass Perception/Investigation DC 15, 20 ft. deep, 2d6 falling damage, Perception/Investigation DC 15, disable DC 20). East door to room #12 is stuck. 11. Shrine Storage Room. 20 X 20 room. The floor is strewn with broken and rotting wood. In one corner is a broken table and more rotten wood, but mixed in with it are a few temple objects: 5 different items, worth 25 gp each. In another corner an amphora lies on its side, gold spilling out of it (300 gp). 12. Summoning Room. 30 X 50 room. Along the north wall is an altar flanked on either side by statues of elvish figures. In the southern part of the room Is a summoning circle. If the party enters the room, a winter eladrin will appear in the summoning circle. It will warn them to turn back. South door to room #10 is trapped (see #10). There is no access to the bypass mechanism from this side. West door to room #10 is stuck. Door to room 13 is locked (DC 20). 13. Burial Room. 40 X 50 room. This wall has stone shelves build out from the walls, 3 high. On each of the shelves is a wrapped corpse. Scattered about the shelves are six amphora. They contain the following items in total: 300 cp, 2400 sp, 390 gp, 36 pp and a leather belt set with rhodochrosite (worth 25 gp). There is also a wooden table in the middle of the room with a variety of sewing tools on it, as well as a chime of opening. Door to room #14 is stuck. Door to room #16 opens normally. Door to area #19 is stuck. 14. Short Corridor. 10 X 20 corridor. Empty. Door to room #17 is locked, DC 15. 15. Storage Room. 10 X 10 room. Littered with the frozen corpses of dead rats, but otherwise empty. 16. Corridor. 10 X 40 corridor. Empty. Portcullis to room #17 slides up and requires a DC 25 Strength (Athletics) check to open. Secret door to room #19 has a Perception/Investigation DC of 20, but opens normally. 17. Sarcophagus Room. 20 X 40 room. There are four sarcophagi lining the center of this room. If the sarcophagi are disturbed in any way, a ghost will rise from each one and attack the offending party. The ghosts all wear crowns and flowing robes. Portcullis to room #16 must be reopened to depart the room. Door to #18 is stuck. 18. Treasure Room. 10 X 10 room. The treasure lies scattered across the floor, as if in offering. Treasure: 1800 cp, 1100 sp, 70 gp, Perfumed Candles (25 gp), Silk Hunter's Cap trimmed with Sable (25 gp), Leather Boots with Copper Buckles (25 gp), Leather Belt set with Azurite (25 gp), Leather Belt set with Blue quartz (25 gp), Painted Glass Coffer (25 gp), Polished Stone Jar (25 gp), Potion of Fire Breath, 2 x Potion of Greater Healing 19. Loom Room. 30 X 40 room. Near the centre of the room are a loom and a table upon which are some loom tools, including spindles. On the north wall are four storage shelves that have dried out and frayed linen on them. The linen is useless except for use as torch fuel. In the southeast corner are a table and chair, with a metal cup and dish on it. Door to room #27 slides up, DC 17 to lift. 20. L-shaped Corridor. See map for dimensions. Empty. Door to room #21 is stuck. 21. Burial Room. 30 X 70 room. This room has stone shelves built out from the walls, 3 high. On each of the shelves is a wrapped corpse. Scattered about the shelves are four amphora. They contain the following items in total: 200 xp, 1600 sp, 260 gp, 24 pp. Two tables sit in the middle of the room with rusted sewing tools upon them. There is a potion of diminution and a pewter ewer worth 25 gp on the west table. Encounter: at the far end of the room is a sword wraith commander and 4 sword wraith warriors. Door to #20 is stuck. Secret door to #22 has a Perception/Investigation DC of 20. Door to #23 is trapped (Darts, hits in two squares in front of door, attack +10, 1d4+1 damage, Perception/Investigation 15, disable 20). Door to room #25 opens normally. Door to room #33 is locked, DC 15. 22. Teleporter Room. 10 X 10 room. The room appears empty. Anyone stepping into the room will be teleported to room #48. 23. Sarcophagi Repair Room. 20 X 30 room. There are two damaged sarcophagi in here, and some tools on the floor. Door to room #24 opens normally. Door to room #26 slides up, DC 23. Door to room #21 is trapped from the other side (see #21). 24. Tool Room. 10 X 10 room. This room is lined with rotting shelves. The remains of tools lie on the shelves, mostly hammers and picks, though the handles are mostly rotted away. 25. Library. 20 X 30 room. The walls of this room are lined with bookshelves. Most of the books are unreadable due to rot and acidification. One of the books is a spellbook in good condition. If touched, the glyph of banishment on the book will send the offender to a demiplane for 1 minute, or to its home plane permanently. After it goes off, the book can be read normally. Door to room #21 opens normally. Door to room #40 opens normally. 26. Burial Room. 40 X 60 room. This room has stone shelves built out from the walls, 3 high. On each of the shelves is a wrapped corpse. Scattered about the shelves are four amphora. They contain the following items in total: 500 cp, 4000 sp, 650 gp, 60 pp. Encounter: when the room is entered, six of the wrapped corpses will climb out of their beds, giving the players one round to react. Door to room #23 opens normally. Door to room #27 opens normally. Door to room #29 opens normally. Door to room #46 is opens normally. 27. Burial Room. 40 X 70 room. This room has stone shelves built out from the walls, 3 high. On each of the shelves is a wrapped corpse. Scattered about the shelves are four amphora. They contain the following items in total: 300 cp, 2400 sp, 690 gp, 39 pp. A bronze short sword scabbard (250 gp) lies atop one of the corpses. In front of the door in the north wall is a puddle of greenish liquid that smells like rotting flesh. Moving away from the puddle are the footprints of a medium-sized creature which end abruptly before reaching the west wall. The room is lined with two rows of three pillars each. In between them lie a pile of rolling wood and a broken table. Door to #19 slides up, DC 17 to lift. Door to #26 opens normally. Door to #28 is locked, DC 15. Secret door to #33 Perception/Investigation DC 15, opens normally. 28. Bone room. 10 X 10 room. The floor of this room is completely covered by humanoid bones, except for where the door requires clearance. 29. Temple room. 50 X 70 room. There is a lectern, altar and statue in the northwest part of this room. To the southeast of them, 10 pews are arranged. There are two more statues on the east wall, and one on the south, near a table with four chairs. There are assorted weapons on the table. This room is in much better repair than the rest of the mausoleum. Encounter: priests of the temple, who are angered at having their temple disturbed. Door to #26 opens normally. Door to #30 opens normally. Door to #31 opens normally. 30. Temple Bookroom. 10 X 10 room. The walls are lined with books about the summoning of odd creatures. 31. Alchemist’s Alcove and Hall. 10 X 30 hall. To the west are two alchemy tables perpendicular to each other. They have various alchemical supplies on them. Encounter: Gray render, starts in front of door to #32. Door to #32 is locked, DC 20, opens normally. 32. Alchemist’s Supply Room. 10 X 10 room. This room is full of alchemical supplies and spell components on storage shelves. 33. The Cold Coroner’s Workroom. 20 X 30 room. There is a work table with a stool on the west wall. In the northwest corner are some moldy boards and a collection of rotting bags. In the southwest corner are a wooden wheelbarrow and 3 barrels. Encounter: if he has not been encountered before, the cold coroner, who is a blue abishai, will be here, and will playfully entertain the players questions, as he is confident he will be able to destroy them. After talking with them, he will attack. Door to #34 opens easily. 34. Entrance Hall to Temple Grounds. 20 X 50. There are three statues on each of the east and west walls arranged symmetrically. An altar sits in the southwest corner, near some double doors. Door to #35 opens easily. Double doors open normally but are heavy, Athletics DC 15 to open. They lead back onto the serpent path. 35. Caretaker’s Coffin-room. 20 X 20 room. The coffin of the original caretaker is found on the north wall. In the southeast corner is a heap of coins: 48000 gp, 20000 pp, Bolt of Gold Cloth set with Topaz (7500 gp), Spell Scroll (Transport via Plants). 36. Sarcophagus Room. 20 X 40. A sarcophagus lies in the middle of the room. Beyond it, there is a throne on the east wall, with a skeleton draped over it. Encounter: A warrior vampire rests in the sarcophagus, and will emerge if the lid is opened. Door to #37 is locked, DC 20. Door to #38 opens normally. 37. Treasure Room. 10 X 10 room. 15000 gp, 2000 pp, Aquamarine (500 gp), 2 x Black pearl (500 gp), 2 x Blue spinel (500 gp), 5 x Peridot (500 gp), 3 x Topaz (500 gp), Spell Scroll (Rary's Telepathic Bond), Spell Scroll (Seeming), Chime of Opening, Potion of Heroism, Potion of Invulnerability. The coins are in a chest, the rest lie scattered on the floor. 38. Hall. 20 X 60 hall. Three pillars line the middle of the hall. Door to #36 opens normally. Door to #39 is stuck. Secret door to #40, DC 23, opens normally. . 39. Storage Room. 10 X 10 room. There are two barrels in here. One holds picks, the other shovels. 40. Sacrifice Room. 30 X 30 room. There are manacles set into the east and north walls. There is a heap of rubbish in the southeast corner of the room. In the northeast corner lies an altar with a bowl of blood, a severed forearm up to the elbow, and what looks to be a ritual dagger. On the east wall lies a tub, the water in it reddened slightly. In the middle of the room is a worn chair. Encounter: one of the sets of manacles holds a human prisoner. When he sees you, he asks to be freed. If talked to, he relates how all his former cellmates were killed and dismembered at the altar. 41. Hall with Struggle. 20 X 40. Three dead winged creatures lie surrounding a dead human, his dagger fallen at his side. Each of the monsters has two sets of bat wings, a long thin nose, and six legs. The human has a pouch with 170 sp and 20 gp in it. The dagger is a dagger of venom. Door to #42 is locked. Portcullis to #44, Strength (Athletics) DC 25. 42. Corridor. 10 X 20. Encounter: two men with arrows are at the southern end of the halls, bows drawn as they wait for the dead creatures in #41 to come through the door, not knowing they are dead. Once the door to #41 is opened, they will fire arrows at anyone who comes to the doorway. They will warn anyone away, claiming they have allies. They are jittery and may be willing to talk once they realize the creatures are not there. Door to #43 is ajar, an escape route for the men. 43. Wide Hall. 20 X 70. 7 pillars line the centre of this hall. By the door to #42, four humans wielding melee weapons wait tensely, facing the door. By the door to #46 four more men wait, facing that door. Both doors are ajar. The secret door to #45, a sliding panel, has been slid halfway to the other side of the door. If the door to #25 is opened, both groups will hear, and turn their attention toward it. Being in a jittery mood, they are likely to attack. 44. Othoid Stable. 40 X 60. There are 12 sets of manacles set in the walls, with a feeding trough and tup of water in the middle of the room. Encounter: A battle rages in this room between 9 othoids and 6 ice mephits. Several ice mephits lie on the floor, seemingly dead. Portcullises bar entry into #41, #45, #46 and #47, Strength (Athletics) DC 25. 45. Stable Viewing Area. 10 X 10. Empty. Portcullis to #44, Strength (Athletics) DC 25. 46. Break Room. 30 X 40. Three tables are in this room, 2 along the north wall, and one in the centre. On the east wall is a cupboard that holds liquor and a little food. Encounter: two archers crouch in the south east corner near the door to #43. They are watching the door to the north, but will hear the sound if any of the doors are open. If anyone comes in view of the portcullis, the archers will attempt to fire through the portcullis. Door to #26 opens normally. Door to #43 is ajar. Portcullis to #44, Strength (Athletics) DC 25. 47. Portal Room. 20 X 30. Bookshelves line the north and east walls. There is a portal on the south wall that will teleport whoever enters into it into the heart of the barracks. Door to #47 is sealed, Strength (Athletics) to break the seal. The portcullis beyond the door is Strength (Athletics) DC 25. Door to #48 opens normally. Door to #49 is locked, DC 25. 48. Portal Room. 10 X 10. Anyone entering this room will be teleported to #22. 49. Magic Study. 20 X 30. There is a pentacle on the doorway here. If anyone other than the Cold Coroner steps on it, an Ice Devil will appear in the center of the room and try to destroy the offender. There is a desk in the northeast corner, with a stack of books to its left, and random assorted papers to its right. In the west part of the room three tables are set together with all kinds of alchemical and magical items on them. There is a very large open book on top of one of the tables. Area 6: Snow Caves 1. Entrance. 15 foot long chamber. The wall opposite the entrance has snow partly obscuring some kind of runic writing inscribed into the rock face. The text is confused, but says something about the “watcher of prisms”. 2. Othoid Attack. Three othoids are hunting for devils in the snow caves. Othoids use the same statistics as owlbears. They will attempt to kill the heroes. 3. Cave-in. Impassable. 4. Dead Adversaries. The dead bodies of two devils lie here. 5. The Master. A warlock of the fiend and his pet winter wolf attacks the heroes. The warlock, who is the Cold Coroner’s master, is trying to destroy the bizarre creatures that inhabit the fissure so he can regain control of Ikilik’s Hole. 6. Shoosuva. The warlock has summoned a shoosuva to help with his attacks on the aberrations. It is hostile to all but the warlock. 7. Trap: Cracking Ice. The ground beneath the snow gives way with a cracking sound, affecting two players. Dexterity (Acrobatics) check to avoid falling 20 feet onto stalactites (2d6 damage). 8. Cave-in. Impassable. The ice seems cracks under the heroes feet. 9. Devil Posse. 3 bearded devils are looking for Baba the Hut. They are hostile to all except other devils and the warlock. 10. Ice Splinters. Stalagmites fall onto the heroes from above, doing 1d6 damage to any who fail a Dexterity (Acrobatics) DC of 15. 11. Baba the Hut. The heroes encounter a hut walking on segmented legs. It waves spindly arms about and speaks in a booming voice. It will not allow the heroes to pass, but will not be hostile if they retreat. It’s only ability is that it can summon one of the following on a d6: 1 (2 spectators); 2-3 (otyugh); 4-5 (mind flayer); 6 (gray slaad). The ability recharges on 5-6. It has the statistics of a mind flayer but does not have access to its actions. 12. Baba’s Treasure Room. If Baba falls to below 10 hp it will run into this cavern. If killed there, the hut part of its body will splinter into tiny pieces, and treasure fall out of it (level 8 hoard). 13. Devil’s Graveyard. This large cavern holds about a dozen corpses, both othoid and devil, beneath its ice. 14. Cold Woman. On approaching this cavern, the heroes will hear a hauntingly beautiful voice. As they enter it they will see a feminine form in a white robe, the hood over her face. The Cold Woman is a slime who can appear human and will attack the heroes. She has the abilities of a frost giant zombie, except that instead of an axe attack she pummels with her fist, and instead of hurling rocks she throws snowballs. She will attempt to kill the heroes. 15. Cave-in. As the heroes pass this section of tunnel, rock will fall in behind them and they will have to either dig themselves out with a Strength (Athletics) DC of 17, or try to climb out with Dexterity (Athletics) DC 17. 16. Othoid Attack. There are three othoids here, standing over the bodies of freshly killed devils. 17. Frozen Pillars. This cavern seems more brightly lit than the others. Tall pillars of ice have several gemstones embedded within them. Strength (Athletics) DC of 22 to get them out with a pick or hammer. 18. Issek. In this room there is another pillar of ice, and a man is bound to it, his wrists over his head. He seems to be nearly dead, but will feebly request the heroes’ help. Issek is actually only pretending to be helpless. When he is released, he will turn upon the heroes’ and tell them, viciously, that it is because of folk like them that he is bound to the snow cave to prevent them going further. Then he will attack, and unlike Baba he will endeavour to stop them escaping. He has all the abilities of a gray render. Many dead bodies litter the room, and some treasure is heaped into the corner (level 8 hoard). 19. Break in the Ice. There is a long crack in the ice here which makes it difficult for the heroes to get past it. On the other end of it are a warlock of the great old ones and an othoid. Several othoids lie dead about thirty feet below. 20. Warlock and Othoid. See 19. If they cannot kill the heroes with ranged attacks, they will head to #21. 21. Ice Fall Trap. This is another area where the ice has become soft. If the warlock runs back here, there is a chance he will fall in if he fails a Dexterity (Acrobatics) of 15. Either way, he will reveal the crack in the ice. If the heroes have defeated the warlock, they will have to make the check instead. 22. Grey Slaad. There is a gray slaad in this cavern. He is hostile. 23. Fleeing Devils. A white abishai and a bearded devil are fleeing back toward the mausoleum when the heroes encounter them. The devils they were fighting with have all been killed, so they will fight to the death out of fear of the ancient evil in the caverns. 24. Remains of Battle. The snow is littered with more than a dozen devils and about half as many othoids. Moving among them is an alhoon. 25. Chains. Long, sturdy lengths of chain lie in the snow here as if discarded. The chain is made of some blue metal, and is cool to the touch. 26. Ritual Remains. In this chamber several Qeorvik men are laid end to end in a circle, with guttered candles inside it. The men have all been killed, and blood stains the snow around them. The strange blue chains are around their wrist, binding them to each other. In the corner of the small cavern there is a small altar, with a lone robed figure lying dead in front of it. This is the warlock of the fiend that originally summoned Taaqti and was killed by its minions. 27. Othoid Attack. There are four othoid. During the battle, the ice will crack threateningly. If a critical failure is rolled, that player will go crashing through the ice and take 1d6 damage. 28. Warlock Scout. This warlock of the great old one will send a spectator out ahead of him to see if it can spy any devils. The heroes will see it first, and then be attacked by both. 29. Cave-in, Bodies. An othoid lies dead under a mass of rock and ice. It looks like its head was pierced by sharp stalagmite of ice. 30. Ice Prison. There is a large cage made entirely of ice in this cavern. Within it are 7 Qeorvik clammering to be let out. The ice cage is very strong, and can only be broken with a Strength (Athletics) check of 30. If Taaqti is killed, it will thaw on its own in a few days. 31. Taaqti’s Prison. Taaqti, the ancient evil that was summoned by the warlock of the fiend, is imprisoned in this chamber by some strange magic that goes back to the time of Ikilik. Taaqti is a large creature that has the beak of a bird, but compound eyes like an insects, and long flat wings. It’s limbs are long and segmented like a grasshopper’s, and its skin is tinged blue. The prison it lives within keeps it blinking between the ethereal and material planes continuously as though it had a blink spell cast on it permanently. In all other respects it has the abilities of a white dragon except for ice walk and legendary resistance. The creature can only be attacked on the material plane and can only attack when it returns to the material plane, unless one of the heroes is in the ethereal plane (in this case the limitation is reversed). 32. Taaqti’s Tribute. In this room are several chests filled with the tribute brought to Taaqti by those under its influence. 33. Ice Fall. This passage is blocked by a fall of ice and rock. At the edge of the fallen debris it looks as though there is a gap. Perhaps the tunnel continues...