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  • Rise of the Runelords - Sandpoint Glassworks.

    What time do we all come over for the game?

    RaikoJimP[Deleted User]
  • WIP Liosach Heraldry

    Watched this weeks video by Ralf and revisited:

    LoopysueLillhansWyvernMonsen[Deleted User]roflo1DaltonSpenceRaikoRalfDakand 2 others.
  • WIP - Tales the Kel

    After the last session, players need access to a high level healer. So:

    Tales the Kel

    Although Tales has the Kel facial tattoo, he wears no skill feathers. Lame, with a facial scar, and more than a little strange – he is often seen talking to thin air. Villagers accept him despite this, mainly because of his healing skills. He is an active hunter – for food or furs. 

     A skilled woodcarver, travelers through Lakewood will most likely come across one of his totems.

    Tales is one of the few Kel who “walks with the ancients”, a master ranger with the ability to commune with one or more of the Kel ancestors. The ancestors provide advice, training, and will occasionally take physical form to aid if needed. With the assistance of the ancients, Tales has access to many unusual abilities including that of a master healer.

    A healing ritual generally consists of going deep into Lakewood to a Totem. (Some players may note that the base of the totem has ritual offerings – fruit, small furs, etc…) The ritual itself consists of drinking a tea prepared by Tales, and sleeping at the base of the Totem. While sleeping there is a 1 in 6 chance that the character may have a dream (can be anything from prophecy to a pleasant exchange with a spirit animal). When character wakes, they will be refreshed and whole. If the individual leaves an offering there is a 1 in 6 chance, they will receive a blessing:

    +1 morale bonus on attack rolls and on saving throws against fear effects, for the next 24 hours.

    If no offering is left, there is a 1 in 6 chance that future healings will be refused.

    Tales is a close friend of Quert (a high-level Natural Druid).

     1.      Two room cabin. Living and eating areas.

    2.      Outhouse

    3.      Sauna

    4.      Woodshop. Wood carving tools, paints, dyes

    5.      Tanning Shack. Furs, leather, in various stages of production.

    MonsenLoopysue[Deleted User]DaltonSpenceWyvernRaikoLillhans
  • CA style development - "Darklands City" (issues for September and December 2021)

    A "hazy sky/pollution" effect would be great.

  • Pen & wash question

    I cant spot any difference either - but A stands out a little more for me
