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  • WIP - Entrance to the Blood Rose Maze

  • WIP - Entrance to the Blood Rose Maze

  • City Designer drawing dimensions

    I find this site very helpful to help get my mind around the project before starting:

  • WIP Goldenlilly Dungeons

     Final Write Up:

    The Watchmen are an organization authorized by the Arch Druid on Colaste; their Charter is to police the general population and to ensure control of Dnna (slaves). They are well known for their brutality. 

    A Watchmen team generally consists of: a Captain or Lieutenant (Fighters), a Master of Chains (Alchemist/Torture), and two to three Houndsmen (Rangers) with 2 – 3 hounds each. Sometimes a Landstone Druid will be assigned to the team as well. A Chapter House will have several Teams, as well as apprentices.

    Referred to by many as Red Legs (due to their bright red leather hip boots). 

    The Captains and Lieutenants will have dyed Green studded leather armor, Red Boots, Rapier, and a Compound Bow. They are generally selected from 3rd and 4th sons or daughters of noble families; reporting only to the Druid Council on Colaste, some are well enough connected that they intimate minor nobles.

    The Master of Chains wears Black Robes (Watchmen badge on breast), and is an expert with Drugs, Poisons, and Torture. Their favorite weapons are: crossbow, dagger, and whip. Their daggers will frequently be treated with poison, acid, or paralysis drugs. They are generally sadists who specialize in binding and inflicting pain on others.

    The Houndsmen wear Green Tunics (Watchmen badge on breast) and the red hip boots. They carry long bows, nets, axes, and daggers. Each one will have 2 to 3 trained hounds – used to track down escaped Dnna and Criminals. They come from the general populace and attitudes range from: “it’s a job” to passionate desire to contain and control Dnna.

    There are Watchmen Chapter Houses located throughout the Brae Kingdoms. Chapter Houses act as a combination living and training center as well as a jail and processing center for criminals and recaptured Dnna. A Chapter House usually consists of the Senior Team (led by the Captain), and at least two Journeymen Teams (led by the Lieutenants). In addition, there are typically a couple of teams in training. It is not unusual to find visiting Teams from other houses (resting from travels), or occasionally a Landstone Druid.

    Captains or Lieutenants can have their families living with them, the rest work for 9 months, only returning home for 3 months every year.

    In addition to the main house, the enclosed courtyard contains stables with a Jailors wagon, a dog yard, and a short bow target range.  

    The buildings are stone and lumber construction with a tile roofs.


    A typical chapterhouse 1st floor layout:


    A typical 2nd floor layout:


    Standard Lower Level *



    Occasionally, escapees will attempt the roof route:

    A typical septic system layout:

    Available / found items list:


    Jailors Wagon:

                  Under driver’s seat: Whip, liquor flask; in the back are chains


    Draft Horses (2), Riding Horses (2), Pitchforks (2), Barn Shovels (2), Rope, Saddles, Saddle Bags, and Tack. 60% Chance of apprentices cleaning stalls.

    Dog Houses:

    Dogs (8 – 12), Dog Houses, Chains, One of the dog houses has a small bundle: a dagger, a few small coins, and some food. (Maybe one of the apprentices is planning on leaving?)

    Short Archery Range:

                  D6+1 Arrows, worn long bow


                  Axe, hatchet, mallet, wedge, two man saw. Plenty of wood.

    House – 1st Level

    Assembly / Dining Room:

                  Wine rack, mugs, fireplace poker and shovel, pamphlets. 80% Chance of 2 – 6 Watchmen.


                  Food, drink, kitchen knives, lamp oil.  80% Chance of Housekeeper/Cook or Cook’s helper

    Housekeepers Room

                  Clothes, lamp, pouch of small coins, cheap jewelry on dresser.

    Alchemist Lab

                  Glassware, Alchemist Supplies, Poisoner’s Kit, various Drugs

    Master of Chains – Personal Quarters

                  Poisoner’s Kit (Masterwork), Various Drugs, “Understanding Poisons” Book *, Garden

    * Reading adds 1 rank to the Medicine skill – one use only

    Captain’s Suite

                  Quality clothes, furnishings, 2d20GP in bedroom drawers.

    Captain’s Office

    Peg on Wall: Masterwork - Rapier, Sabre, Dagger.  In the corner is an armor stand with Masterwork Studded Armor (Green with Watchmen Captain’s Badge). Leaning against the armor rack is a Masterwork Long Bow and a full Quiver.  The desk will have small chest with 10d20+10 GP. On the desk is the Chapterhouse log – containing orders and deployment, notes on Dnna recoveries, criminals, etc…

    House 2nd Level

    Common Room

    Several tables with cards, dice, games. A reading corner, and some chair around the fireplace. Mugs, wine and ale readily available.

    Apprentices – Master of Chains

                  Dirty clothes, small coins. Crossbow on bed.

    Apprentice – Bunkroom

                  Dirty clothes, 1d8 copper coins. Broken and chipped dagger on side table.

    Journeymen Bunkroom

    Clean clothes, food stuffs, 1 – 2 Explorer’s Packs hanging on wall pegs, one of the tables next to the beds will have a Gambler’s Kit, and a pair of loaded die. 1-4 sets of: Longbow, quiver, dagger, and axe. 1d20+5 SP in pouch under one mattress.

    Special Guests Room

                  Fine quality furnishings. Diplomat’s Pack in drawers. Paper, ink, and quills on desk.

    Lower Level

    Storage Area

    Food, wine, ale stores. Supplies available to assemble 4 – 6 Explorer’s Packs. Small forge for setting chains and manacles (Hammers, chisels, files, etc…. ) Oil Sconces on walls for light.



    Lower Level

    Processing Area

    There is a records book on desk, chains stacked on floor, a whip hanging on wall, and 2 barred holding cells with up to 12 detainees in each cell.

    Torture Chamber

    Separated from the processing area by a heavy metal door is the torture chamber. When first entering the room, the smell is overwhelming – the scent of blood, urine, and worse is mixed with a sweet incense. Wine and goblets can be found on a table next to observation platform and chair. The torture table usually will have a recent deceased on it – with blood dripping off of table to grate below. The brazier next to the table has a low-quality iron short sword heating up in it. The side table will have various implements (small knives, hooks, other nasty stuff) and cell keys. The dissection table will have various knives, a bone saw, and retractors. The vat at end of table contains acid.

    Two heavily barred cells each with 1d6 prisoners chained to the walls– not related to party.




    Captain / Lieutenant                             

    Master of Chains



  • WIP - Entrance to the Blood Rose Maze

    This mornings update - I think just titles and then onto the maze itself.
