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  • WIP: Nirmathas on Golarion


    I do not know if the following information is wanted; but I will reveal how I did this map.

    First: I opened the map in Darklands overland. I inserted Spectrum Overland and Watabou Cities. These provided me with the Fills I knew I would need.

    Then, draw your Land.

    Then, once I had the Land to my liking, I went to the drawing tools on the right side of the screen, chose the various tools there to draw blobs of various colors. I put these on individual sheets, each color to a specific sheet. Now, add effects: blur, blend and edge fade till they 'look right to you'. WARNING: this will slow down everything. Turn off effects to help you draw out what you need.

    Again: turn off effects to draw what you need. 😁

    I draw what I know what I need or want. Sometimes, it takes many times to draw 'what looks right'. I can't describe this process any clearer than to say this: think outside the box.

    Think outside the box.


    PS: I hasten to add: You can do this with any style you have in CC3+. You don't have to have the ones I have listed here.

    Royal ScribeQuentenRicko HascheGlitch
  • WIP: Nirmathas on Golarion

    Greets, fellow artists and mapmakers

    Well, here is by-far the hardest map I've worked on, to-date. A new GM ahem, DM, has come to our gaming group and he chose to run Pathfinder in Golarion, specifically on Avistan continent. This map has been fighting me every step of the way! I never new blur and blend would hassle the program so much. Anyway, this is the first pass at text:

    Critique/Advice welcome!


    LoopysueGeorgeRoyal ScribeRicko HascheDon Anderson Jr.C.C. CharronMonsenQuentenWyvernEdEand 4 others.
  • World Map Continent

    Dak! Welcome back again.

    Just awesome artwork (as usual!).

    Sure would like to read the backstory on your world sometime.


    Ricko Hasche
  • Tutorial - Between hills, rivers and trees


    I don't think I have, my friend.

    But I will


    Ricko Hasche
  • How long have you been using Campaign Cartographer?

    I honestly can't remember! I know it's been a few years, but I can't pinpoint it in my mind. Unfortunately, I can't even remember how I stumbled on CC3+. I think it was when I watched a Sweeny vid and I knew I had to have it. Just an awesome program.

    I've had extensive training in Graphic Arts and Advertising design using Illustrator, Photoshop and so on, so it wasn't as difficult for me to learn CC3+ as it may have been for others; but, I still have a great deal to learn. There are, of course, aspects of CC3+ that I find 'missing' from my Illustrator/Photoshop days, but despite my OCD, I've learned to deal with all that heh heh.

    All-in-all, just love it.


    Don Anderson Jr.EukalyptusNow