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  • WIP: Myrilos Region - Estonisch

    Same map in Darklands style

    WyvernGlitchMonsenLoopysueTheschabi[Deleted User]
  • WIP: Myrilos Region - Estonisch

    Greets, fellow Artists

    Here is the map for my game. It's taken from the Estonisch map already shown on forums.

    This was done in Spectrum Overland.

    WyvernGlitchMonsenLoopysue[Deleted User]pdjRicko HascheMedio
  • Issues with Atlas Map

    Hey all,

    Just a few points of contention with our beloved program I encountered while working on my Atlas submission: St. Cei the Beloved's Cathedra:

    1: Mirrored Copies not aligning exactly. So, I'd draw either side of internal walls, go for the mirrored copy option, draw my center line, and the resulting copy would invariably be off, sometimes dramatically so. I'm assuming snap and ortho WILL affect alignment even on copies? Only thing I can think of

    2: RE: above. Trying to Move entities to align proved to be impossible as I could not see the selected entity; trying to use non-visual move, well, since I'm unfamiliar with that, proved frustrating, as well. I'll educate myself on that feature asap. This is issue has already been reported in CC4 wishlist post.

    3: Trying to match fill patterns on unattached lines and polys! ugh. I had to resort to TRACED on many. Some I tried (for example, the brick wall around the outside garden) produced strange results. So, I faked it as best I could.

    4: Color Key to the rescue! Of course, since I resorted to TRACED and outright drew polys for walls, BREAK was useless. Color Key allowed me to do what I wanted, anyway---though must stress for those using FCW that the keyed out parts of the polys are /still/ there, just hidden in some fashion.

    5: I decided to use 2 or 3 different SHEET effects styles, resulting in a bunch of unused sheets. I /thought/ there was an option to remove unused sheets somewhere, but I can't find it. In consequence, there are a lot of empty sheets in the FCW. I hope there's an option to remove that doesn't involve sheet-by-sheet manual removal! LOL



    [Deleted User]
  • Community Atlas Project - Download information - Contributions Welcome

    They should be and ack! I knew I forgot something. Know how you stare at your artwork and go...hmm, something isn't right. What?!?!? LOL. My instructor in college used to make us look at our work with a mirror to see 'flaws' more easily. Maybe I should start doing that again heh. And, thanks! :)

    This what you mean, Sue? I hope.


    PS: I had major issues with CC3+/DD3 which I will open a new discussion on.

    @monsen Here is my submission, thanks.

    LoopysueWyvernMonsenJimPWeathermanSweden[Deleted User]jmabbottAleDRicko Hasche
  • Live Mapping: Houses and Streets

    Fairly complex on some of the 'hidden features' of CD.

    Ralf: This will seem rather arcane to you....if you haven't read the CD manual..."

    Me: ROFL! Busted...


    Really, so much you can do with all this. If you just brainstorm...if only I could do <blah>!?

    Chances are, CD and CC3+ can.

