
Jeff B

Jeff B


Jeff B
Last Active
Member, Betatester
Fairbanks, Alaska

Latest Images

  • Winter Village style development (March 2022 CA issue)

    I vote for more snow cover.

  • Winter Village style development (March 2022 CA issue)

    Yes the ridges are exposed in those images if I were to take some images today they would not be. You are looking to show something that is not a blob / bump in the ground snow so drawing them that way is understandable as you want to do a single set of buildings not two different styles showing heavy snow and light snow as was previously discussed. Glad I could help. Looking forward to the March release.

  • Winter Village style development (March 2022 CA issue)

    Here are some pictures from seven years ago in mid March in an area which doesn't have snowfall that melts right away. The reddish house in the first image has a tin roof with snow brakes installed. The other houses have shingles.The buildings in the second two images have tin roofs. As this is mid March we were entering warmer weather so the snow is starting to shed from the tin roofs. This can be seen in the bottom image where the edge of the roof is visible and you see the snow piles on the ground next to the building. The second image is to show how the buildings blend into the snow on the ground. If these were taken directly overhead it would be harder to make out the building. Hope these help.

  • Winter Village style development (March 2022 CA issue)

    Actually they do look different. The ones on the left show the roof texture where the ones on the right don't show the roof texture but show snow texture. There is a difference. The difference is the left set shows/represents a light snowfall or melt off later in the season and the right set shows a much heavier snow cover either after a heavy snow or during the middle of the season. The circle on each to me shows the same assumption even though the left circle is ice, it could easily be dirt with a light snow covering using sheet effects showing either a light snow or melt off starting in high traffic areas, where the right is more packed snow from people walking over it in a high traffic area. Using both styles of houses will give people more choices. If you were working on this set in the summer instead of now, I most likely would not have brought up the two sets. Right now the right set is representative of where I live and and the left set was represented back in October or again in March or April.

    Yes to most people there is only slight difference between the two styles of houses but from someone that lives in the stuff for at least half the year there is big difference between the two styles. I hope you do choose to keep both but understand if you choose to only include the left set when released.

    By the way Sue thank you for listening to us and giving us the ability to offer input on your winter style.
