
Jeff B

Jeff B


Jeff B
Last Active
Member, Betatester
Fairbanks, Alaska

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  • [WIP] August Mapping Competition -- Vertshusen Distillery


    I made the requested changes in the basement and added the cart tracks.

    Comments and suggestions are welcome.

  • Richardson Roadhouse

    First Attempt at lighting the roadhouse.

    Comments welcome

    JimPLoopysueRicko HascheCalibre
  • [WIP] August Mapping Competition -- Vertshusen Distillery

    Jenin River Whiskey

    First Floor: The kiln room is pretty good still needs something not sure what yet. The whiskey making area is about done maybe some resizing is needed but it has the fermenting vats, distilling vats and condensing towers. The other half of the larger building section is still a work in progress and not sure what I want to do with that section yet. I still have the outside area to work on once I finish the outside. Also need to fix the coal chute area I think I'll just put a trap door there for the coal. Still trying to figure out how to get to the second floor of each building section. Thinking of an outside access with a trap door and block and tackle to get stuff between the floors.

    For the atlas version

    I will also do the three outer building as I feel they are part of the Jenin River Whiskey Distillery but per the rules they will not be built out for the contest.

    Comments and suggestions are welcome.

  • [WIP] August Mapping Competition -- Vertshusen Distillery

    Jenin River Whiskey

    Basement : The furnaces are located here for the distilling vats and the kiln room. I'm currently not happy with the furnaces yet and will still be working on them. I also need to work on the lighting in the basement add some additional light but overall this will be a dark and terrible place to work. I also broke the navigation between the floors so I need to fix that also.

    Comments and suggestions are welcome.

  • [WIP] August Mapping Competition -- Vertshusen Distillery

    Is there a way to lock a bit map fill to a set angle so the fill doesn't change to match the rotation of the object being filled. ie If I create the floor where north is to the top of the drawing and I rotate the floor to match the rotation of the building on the city map I don't want the fill to rotate to match the angle of the building I want the wood floor to stay vertical or horizontal to the walls.

    Found my answer in Remy's latest video.
