
Jeff B

Jeff B


Jeff B
Last Active
Member, Betatester
Fairbanks, Alaska

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  • [WIP] August Mapping Competition -- Vertshusen Distillery

  • City of Torlok

    Sue my problem with the cliffs is the tools are made for cliffs that are closed or run into the screen. The cliffs which are not closed are the issue. I'll look up Ralf's video this weekend and watch it. I good with the way the map is right now but would like to do a better job on the cliffs.

    Next map a regional map of the world map of Endoria I'm working on, After I get that one done I'll revisit Torlok. (Well I had to go fix the docks - fixed version in gallery)

    Thank you for the comments and the help.

  • City of Torlok


    Thank You for your comments. I would love to add it to the atlas and I will take you up on your offer for help to find a place, Hope that also includes letting me what I need to do for notes and stuff before I give it to Remy.

    Ok I read Sue's instructions and did what I could for cliff shadows. dropped the unused sheets and renamed a few along with moving stuff to the correct sheets. I added the key and text to the maps.

    Comments and Suggestions Welcome

    Loopysue[Deleted User]EukalyptusNowLauti
  • City of Torlok

    Well I fixed my mess and I was able to expand the map. Here is version 2 with some of the changes that have been recommended. Still need to do labels and fix some shadow effects.

    Comments and suggestions welcome

    JimPLoopysue[Deleted User]DaltonSpenceEukalyptusNowWyvernShessarLautipablo gonzalez
  • City of Torlok

    I have been doing some maps for a guy at work trying to bring his 20 year old world to life beyond rough pencil drawings and what he has locked inside his head. Most of the stuff I have done so far is new dungeons and encounter maps. I have been working to create a world map which is still a WIP. He gave me a map of Torlok and I thought he wanted me to draw that city map. I started working on it based on a crude drawing and some written information about the city. Turns ou he only gave me the map for reference of what types of stuff he wanted inside towns, villages and cities. After seeing the early stages of the map he gave me the go ahead to complete it and change things as long as the basic idea was still there. This is what I came up with. Still needs some work and at some point it needs labels but thought I would post it to see what I need to do to improve on it.

    First larger scale city map.

    Comment and suggestions welcome as always.

    MonsenLoopysueMythal82[Deleted User]Maidhc O Casainroflo1WyvernRicko HascheDaltonSpenceJimPand 3 others.