
Jeff B

Jeff B


Jeff B
Last Active
Member, Betatester
Fairbanks, Alaska

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  • [WIP] City of Mar-Goth

    I'm currently working on a new city and using a different style this time around. The city is based on information from the person I'm making the map for so I'm trying to get as many elements into the map as possible. I have posted 2 versions of the map one with out the key and one with the key. The key version needs the fonts tweaked but I'm looking to see if they way I want to do the text and key works for people if I get the font style and coloring the way I like it.

    Comments and suggestions are welcome as always.

    roflo1WazzebuLoopysue[Deleted User]EukalyptusNowCalibrejmabbott
  • Text inside a box

    Think I figured it out, put the text inside a text file and then have the map open the text file. Way easier to adjust the text to fit into the desired text area.

  • Text inside a box

    I think I know what the answer is going to be but I need to ask. I'm trying to put text inside a polygon on a map I'm doing just like Maidhc O Casain did in his Callum's Curiosity map for the contest. I've read through the tome but it really doesn't say much. I'm guessing that in multi line mode I just have to guess where to put the returns to start a new line to get the text inside the area I want the text to appear, like I did for my contest entry which was only a list and not a couple paragraphs of text.

    Is there an easier way to do text?

  • Question - Darklands - Active Sheet Effects - Rivers Run Green

    The green color water is a trademark of darklands. Look at the sheet effects and you will see an RGB matrix which changes the color. just uncheck it if you want blue water.

    LoopysueColter Snethen
  • Endoria


    Yes that is what I did but most of the areas are pretty blank with just some landmark stuff.

    Well I knew this was going to happen I just ran into memory issues trying to export the jpeg. This is a huge map with lots of stuff so now I need to figure out how to either reduce the scale or start over which I really do not want to do.

    Here is what I have now. lower resolution as I could not export any higher.

    [Deleted User]adelia hernandezLauti