
Jeff B

Jeff B


Jeff B
Last Active
Member, Betatester
Fairbanks, Alaska

Latest Images

  • Turia / Uldiar Region of Berenur (Atlas)

    Ok Almost done. Needs location names (maybe still undecided). Cities and towns added, roads and paths are done. Maybe add a couple of dungeon locations. Thinking of adding some small islands off the coast. Higher resolution image in gallery.

    Comments and suggestions welcome.

    Loopysue[Deleted User]MonsenDaltonSpenceJimPadelia hernandezLautipablo gonzalez
  • August Mapping Competition - The Results

    First I would like to say that everyone did a great job that entered the contest. All the maps were great as it was really hard to vote. I would also like to thank everyone that post comments and suggestion that helped me make my maps better.

    As this being my first entry into a mapping contest I would like to give my reflections on the event. I entered this to learn how to make better maps and do a different kind of map, that I had never done before. I knew going in that I would never produce the best map as there would be much better mappers entering the contest. I was hoping for support from those great mappers to help me learn and do a better job. I was not disappointed in that assumption, I got much needed feedback from them all and others and I feel like I had a great learning experience. 

    Going up again the mappers that entered new and old (not age related) was very intimidating and this I think is a major hurdle for most mappers both experienced and new mappers that have not entered into one of these contests before. It’s like you think ok I make good maps, people give me good reviews but I’m not in the same league as the Master Mappers and the other mappers that may not hold the Master Mapper title but only because it has not been bestowed upon them yet. You have this fear of entering because you feel you can’t compete, so you don’t look at it as a learning experience.

    Maybe if there could be a contest for the new mappers and/or less experienced mappers in the future you could get more people to enter. Maybe you could have the contest and have the Master Mappers and should be Master Mappers be the judges and let them judge the entries. You could also do a public vote also to allow everyone else to select the best maps.

    Just my thoughts.

    Again Great Job everyone and Thank You to everyone that helped me get better at making maps and learning more mapping skills.

  • [WIP] City of Mar-Goth

    Here are the final versions of the project.

    [Deleted User]LoopysueDaltonSpenceLoreleijmabbottAleD
  • [WIP] City of Mar-Goth

    I'm currently working on a new city and using a different style this time around. The city is based on information from the person I'm making the map for so I'm trying to get as many elements into the map as possible. I have posted 2 versions of the map one with out the key and one with the key. The key version needs the fonts tweaked but I'm looking to see if they way I want to do the text and key works for people if I get the font style and coloring the way I like it.

    Comments and suggestions are welcome as always.

    roflo1WazzebuLoopysue[Deleted User]EukalyptusNowCalibrejmabbott
  • Endoria


    Yes that is what I did but most of the areas are pretty blank with just some landmark stuff.

    Well I knew this was going to happen I just ran into memory issues trying to export the jpeg. This is a huge map with lots of stuff so now I need to figure out how to either reduce the scale or start over which I really do not want to do.

    Here is what I have now. lower resolution as I could not export any higher.

    [Deleted User]adelia hernandezLauti