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  • CA style development - "Darklands City" (issues for September and December 2021)

    Ooh, lavender and cabbages! You'll be giving us rasp canes, vines and rhubarb plants next!

    Gates for the hedgerows?

  • Are there steampunk resources for CC3+?

    I think the problem we're having in helping you is we don't really know what YOU think constitutes Steampunk, or what it is you're trying to map, so just saying you want Steampunk assets without saying what they're for, is a little like asking us to give you a piece of string to accomplish a task you can't define. Now you're saying you found some Steampunk packs elsewhere but they weren't what you wanted (which rather goes against your prior comment that anything under the Steampunk label would do). Maybe if you could say what assets you DO want and what it is you want to map, instead of what you don't, we might be able to help more. It's clear you know what you're looking for, but we don't.

    Certainly there is no ProFantasy pack that carries the specific "Steampunk" label, if that's all you were hoping for, although that doesn't mean there aren't assets you could use in that genre in many other packs, as we've tried to indicate in the notes above.

    JulianDracosRowan HockemaJimP
  • Feedback on Decluttering Text/Map Improvements

    Don't forget simple tricks like underlining or using italics (though this may not work equally well with all fonts), or changing the glow on the font (maybe using a different colour glow to represent different things, such as highlighting countries from terrain items or places). Might be worth testing dark lettering with a light outer glow, in case that could be clearer. Sometimes having a letter colouring nearly the same as the main map background (but not identical) suddenly jumps out simply because there's a light glow added to the letters.

    Nice-looking map!

  • Wishlist for CC4

    @Glitch - Something else you might try is having a second window with another program (such as Windows Explorer) on full screen mode, so it hides the CC3+ window completely. This helps stop the looping as much, and you can check the thumbnail view to see when the CC3+ screen is showing correctly again. I spotted Ralf did exactly this on this week's livestream at one point, so I know it's not just me who finds this helps sometimes!

  • Marine Dungeon - further developments

    And tides are not all the same either, so you tend to have a "highest recent" tide line of dead/stranded weed, shells, etc., which is often dry and/or rotting, and then the "latest" high tide line nearer the sea than that "highest" line. All that though assumes an Earth-like setting, which doesn't necessarily apply to all fantasy worlds.

    Meanwhile, Atlantis, here we come!
