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  • Text Along A Curve has changed under Updates 26 and 27

    So does the silence mean nobody knows ("Will this potentially then create alignment issues for text on strongly-curving arcs? Such as a circle, semi-circle or narrow-end of an ellipse? Or indeed one that curves in different directions (like a long name on a river line, say)?", or is experimentation still underway? Or have I simply misinterpreted what had been said earlier?

    Either way, can we PLEASE get the default setting for Text Along A Curve presented so one can actually write text along a curve without worrying that the text will end up inverted, reversed, confused, and probably feeling seasick? The fact the default reverts back to chaos every time I reopen the program is getting REALLY tedious, as I've been using the command a lot lately.

    If I need text reversing (can't imagine why, as noted already, but...) or inverting, I can worry about what commands need adjusting on such an occasion. If I have a curved line I want the text to be written along so it can be read the same way up as the rest of the map, I shouldn't have to be worrying about altering the default settings just to achieve that basic operation.

  • [WIP] Modern city map

    They always were Quenten; just becoming increasingly difficult to conceal that fact 👽️🦑

    Lizzy_Maracuja[Deleted User]
  • Is there a way to expand window size for reading?

    It's something to remember when you make your own drawing tools and name them, not to make the names too long to still read in this dialogue.

  • [WIP] Modern city map

    You'll be showing us the railway timetables to get to Oakwood next (but I'm not getting on Joe Sargent's bus there)!

    [The latter's a Lovecraft reference from The Shadow Over Innsmouth story for anyone confused...]

  • [WIP] Modern city map

    Being a cheapskate, I have only the lower-cost PDF Legendary version of Barbarians of..., but like a lot of the simpler-mechanic Sword & Sorcery style RPGs, it looks quite fun (never tried it for real, however). Good to know there are still people prepared to adapt and amend rules-systems this way though. When I began with RPGs (mid-late '70s) that was the norm, though I know that's much less common these days.

    There are a lot of handy random name-generators freely available online now. There've been several mentions of some on this Forum over time, so if you get stuck, you might try a search here for those - or simply an ordinary web-search for "random name generators". You'll likely find more than you can possibly use (even if most are ostensibly for fantasy gaming)!
