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  • Winter Village style development (March 2022 CA issue)

    There are things to be said for both options (plus of course, you can't assume everyone will wish to map somewhere where the snow falls in late autumn/early winter, thickens and only starts to thaw around the start of spring - i.e. the randomness of what happens in British winters!), and both are obviously buildings. However, the one with less snow cover has a bit more character to it, which would definitely support the idea you mentioned in your most recent post Sue.

  • First Cosmographer Map

    I've not done much with Cartographer, so I hadn't realised there'd be such an issue with adding a glow to the symbols. There is a small glow built-in to the star symbols, but I agree a larger glow is really needed to show clearly what the object is when you're viewing the map at a distance.

    The Red Sun system does look a little better.

    If you still want to swap the two systems, I think you will be better moving the systems manually.

    You could use rotate, providing you know the exact centre of the main orbit on which both systems lie, but this will also invert everything in the process.

    Mirror copy would keep all the orbits and objects in their same relative positions once swapped to the opposite side of the orbit (don't do this on the labels though), but you would need to drawn the mirror line very precisely at an angle to accomplish this, AND mirror copy will force everything onto one Sheet if it wasn't to begin with. Plus you couldn't swap the two systems in one command, so one would overlap the other after the move (unless one set is on a different Layer, which you could hide before-hand).

    Maybe mirroring or rotating the background star image would work instead? It would certainly be a simpler operation!

  • Winter Village style development (March 2022 CA issue)

    Not merely tin (or other sorts of metal) roofs, but any smoother kinds of roofing material, such as tiles or slates. The idea is to substantially roughen the surface in some fashion - using rocks or logs sometimes (still to be seen in the Alps today in places, for instance). Reason I suggested them is, and depending on the snow thickness, they can break-up the appearance of the smooth surface of the snow seen on the roof symbols currently.

    Thatched roofs tend to be pitched steeply enough to shed snow (and water), thus snow shouldn't accumulate as much on them (in parts of Japan subject to heavy snowfalls, the thatched roofs have a particularly steep pitch, for example). This isn't so much because thatch can't cope with the snow or water, but because thatch is usually lighter than other roofing materials, so may not be sufficiently supported by the underlying roof structure to carry the additional weight of substantial snowfalls.

  • First Cosmographer Map

    Was it the Glow Effect, or the Outer Glow one, you were using? Outer Glow does need more work to stop it looking like a solid mass outside the highlighted object sometimes, as there are more elements of it you can adjust. Glow usually works quite well without having to do this, particularly for circular objects (Glow doesn't work so well for the corners of angular objects however; Outer Glow is much better for those).

    You might want to think of swapping the locations for the Red Sun and Georgia systems, as the red coloration isn't so easy to see against the darker sky background. The yellow for the Georgia system should still be fine against the darker area where Red Sun is currently.

  • more DD3 dungeon floor templates?

    Looking over the various CC3+ fills available for dungeon/battlemap use (in the Bitmaps/Tiles/Dungeon folder of CC3+), it seems although there are a number of random stonework options including in DD3 already, as well as the Bogie and Dundjinni free collections, something like the cobblestone arcs isn't. There are a few options for adding patterned stonework floor textures (there's a herringbone brickwork option in DD3, for example), and rather more for using individual patterned tiles that can be fitted together in squares separately (think medieval cathedral floors), but I suspect the arcs make creating a seamless texture that will properly tile too difficult. Or at least, nobody seems to have done it till now. I could have missed something though, so please feel free to leap in to say so!

    LoopysueRobert Feyerharm