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  • WIP Everyone's making Inn's & Taverns - making floor look used / abused

    Looking fine.

    Maybe add a few scorch marks in front of the fire as well? And worth looking through the "Debris" symbol catalogues for a few suitable stains, perhaps?

    One or two of the symbols might need moving slightly - the bedroom table seems to be embedded in the wall, currently, for example.

    And maybe add some more windows? (Or at least a ventilation hole for the toilet!)

  • WIP: Kariss, Isle of the Purple Towns

    Hand-drawn hatching of any kind shouldn't be perfect; the trick is to get it to still look good in the final item, and I think you've managed that very nicely!

  • Winter Village style development (March 2022 CA issue)

    Having lived only in places with tile or slate roofs, I can confirm Shessar's photos are indeed entirely accurate for both those materials. Slide, wind effects and thin ice/snow melt basically works from the top down, and outer roof edges facing more nearly into the current wind, so those will all tend to clear of snow first. This can be enhanced around objects sticking out of the roof like chimneys and stove pipes, especially where those are in use. There may also be some smoke discoloration of the snow near chimneys that are in heavy, regular use as well (albeit that also tends to mean snow there will melt faster as well - introducing foreign particulates to the ice/snow helps it melt faster generally, like applying salt to road and path ice).

    Roof patches do tend to be harder edged than you've illustrated so far, and with a tendency to remain in the hollows a little longer than the ridges on shaped tiles, as you've already noted. There are a lot of variables however, and commonly, once the snow's started to melt on such roofs, it will tend to clear fairly quickly thereafter, unless there's fresh snowfall heavy enough to fill-in the cleared gaps.

  • Winter Village style development (March 2022 CA issue)

    Snowy roofs looking good now; perhaps not so "realistic" in the strict sense, but we already discussed that above, and they do look the part to me.

    Not so sure about the pentagonal igloos (and yes I know they're actually the detached add-on dormers window roofs!) 😉

    [Although they would actually work quite nicely as sheds/small huts partly buried in snow drifts too, more seriously.]

  • Live Mapping: Star Systems

    Been there, done that (albeit quite some time ago now; for the Nibirum = Community Atlas system, for anyone unfamiliar)!

    Should be a good one regardless of that, as it's an interestingly different style of mapping to work with, compared to what most of us here normally map.
