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  • SPAM Problems?

    Best thing to do with Spam of course is slice and fry it; if only it was so simple to handle the computer version and those who post it 😁🍳

    LillhansScottA[Deleted User]
  • Searching for Farmland

    It looks good, and I like the way you can tell just where the farmlands extend to.

    Edge Fade often helps conceal a multitude of problems!

    Alan Phillipson
  • Searching for Farmland

    You're most welcome Alan!

    You could of course just add the RGB Matrix Process Effect to the Sheet the farmland is on, if you'd prefer, rather than the whole map, which may or may not help (possibly not though in this case). You could try a different colour than white for your background alternatively - a pale grey, perhaps, or another colour that will work better under the whole-map RGB Matrix Process greyscale colouring, perhaps something closer to the usual farmland colouring instead.

    If you want to look further into the options the RGB Matrix Process can generate, you may find it helpful to read through this PF Blog posting by one of our true resident experts, Remy Monsen (he wrote the Tome of Ultimate Mapping, so this is no idle remark!), where he explores this Effect in greater detail. It is very much trial and error to get it to do what you need once you step off the path of the available presets, but it's also worth doing, as you can never tell what marvels you may accidentally turn up.

    Alan Phillipson
  • making a game map from a historical map

    It seems to me that I ought to be able to add the historical map on the bottom layer, add roads and my specific elements over the map, and then delete the historical map. Is this possible?

    You'd need a bitmap image version (BMP, PNG or JPG) of the map you could import into the CC3+ drawing on one of the lower Sheets, and then resize it to fit the size of map you're intending to draw, but yes, this is eminently practical.

    To import the bitmap, make a new Sheet and a new Layer both called BITMAP in the FCW file you'll be working with, and make sure both are checked to be the active Sheet and Layer.

    Then to import the bitmap, use the drop-down "Draw" menu, and click on "Insert File". Navigate to wherever your file is stored, click on it and click OK.

    You'll then have it on the cursor in your map. Click once to secure its top left corner, and then move the cursor to enlarge the bitmap to the size you need, and click again to finish the command.

    You might find it helps to set up a snap grid of a size to be useful in finalising the bitmap size, and make use of that during the import process.

    You can then check the image size is correct by using the CC3+ measuring tools against items of known sizes on the image. You can rescale the size of the drawing very precisely after import too, if necessary.

    And if you get stuck, just ask again on the Forum!

    One final thought. You might like to check around on the Forum for topics created by @mike robel who's done a lot of high-quality work of exactly the kind you're wanting to do, specifically to create board wargame maps using CC3+.

    ScottAmike robelJimPLoopysueMike Strand
  • Monasteries

    Though the "standardised" abbey plan only really works - if sometimes quite loosely - for medieval European monastic sites, notably those of the Cistercian and Benedictine orders.

    Ricko Hasche