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  • Creating Hollow Tree Dungeon Style

    That's really nice! And obviously a lot clearer!

    The tree-rings discussion has made me wonder if you could simulate the look of tree-rings within the trunk as a drawn polygon using the Edge Striping Sheet Effect. That would need a specific pattern to be available in the catalogue of such items, but it would follow the edge of whatever polygon was drawn, which is clearly a key aspect to the design. Someone better-versed in such things than me could doubtless advise more usefully on the practicalities of that though.

  • Panzer sample thread

    I agree the Sd 222 looks too dark. Rusting and damaged is fine, but it still needs to be seen when used on a map.

    Classic problem when painting miniatures for tabletop wargaming too; too realistically camouflaged and you can't find them among the vegetation, etc. Always a degree of compromise involved.

    Don't know quite what it is, but the Sd 222 always looks like a "Doctor Who" Dalek to me...

  • The Ghost Tower of Inverness

    Yes, that enormous size for the upper level is quite something! I wonder if the original designers didn't just add a scale as an afterthought at times. There were often issues with those early maps and scenarios, though that was true of the original D&D rules too; we just made up stuff to cover what wasn't there or didn't work!

    Even the dungeon level has loads of empty space - think of having to excavate all that rock and cart it away down all those long corridors, and then up spiral stairs, if it were real!

    Random dungeon design came out of helping get folks started with something that had never been done before; thinking about why things were like that only came gradually to most of us at that stage, because it was all so new and innovative. I soon became a fan of coming up with ideas for why things were as they were after that though. If there are 40 kobolds in that broom closet, someone must have put them there, after all ๐Ÿ˜‰

  • The Ghost Tower of Inverness

    You mean you're not doing the cross-section drawing as well?! ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Might be worth thinking of having breaks in the wall lines of the upper ruins map, as I think these were meant as gaps in the original, rather than more rubble. You could keep the current rubble markers, but set them below the walls, so it would look like they're collapsed areas once there are breaks in the wall-lines.

  • WIP: Latest Commission Maps

    The outer-ring circle seems fine where it is. Moving it might unbalance the look of the whole, assuming you have licence to move it at all, of course. I imagine that's why the whole central design is off-centred to the hexagonal walls.

    Might be worth considering a different wall texture, as the rectilinear alignments in the current one make it look a little odd.
