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  • Community Atlas: Embra - Enclosed Places

    Place 1 from this list is the Freed Haven Floral Garden:

    The general layout for all the "Places" maps is much as set by the "Villages" ones earlier, except obviously that the maps are now square (or occasionally rectangular). Although the scales have been retained, the unlabelled compass-rose has been omitted. While that decision was made partly for space reasons, it also follows along from the concept that in Faerie, sizes and directions need not be fixed. Plus the rectilinear borders provide clearer indications for such directions than the round "Village" map edges, should they be needed. The misty map edge is a reminder that the various Places in Embra do not link directly with one another, so visitors could go almost anywhere in the city from one Place to the next.

    This map clearly has more detail in its middle than the usual Forum resolution will allow, so a closer view seems useful for that:

    With all these maps, the intention is for there to be a toggle in the Atlas FCW version to allow the on-map labels to be turned off for greater clarity, given that sometimes the labels have had to be placed directly over the feature they're marking. There are though no buildings here - for all some elements might looks as if they should be (the accompanying text and PDF files explain more, and what the real nature of the not-buildings is):

    Loopysue[Deleted User]Lauti
  • Community Atlas: Embra - Enclosed Places

    Having successfully negotiated the outer "ring" of Villages that comprise the initial appearance of the Faerie city of Embra when approaching it from beyond, using the "Official Guide" map, the first set of Places that might be encountered in the city proper are the Enclosed Places:

    Or as we see from the new lower map, the Enclosed Places of Interest, following along from the "tourist's guide" style of naming for these link-maps.

    The perceptive will immediately spot the new-look frame border decoration, this time reworked after part of one in the Dover Clip-Art "Celtic Borders on Layout Grids" hardcopy book, combined with one of the Dover interlace bird motifs. The link-spaces themselves are simply labelled extracts from the final maps, with a couple of reminder notes for how GMs could use random rolls to determine where the travellers might be going next from here. The PDF and text notes include a further reminder not to forget which number was rolled if the final "Streets" location was chosen, as that map condenses five places onto one map, whereas the others feature just one place each.

    Loopysue[Deleted User]MapjunkieLauti
  • The Creepy Crypt project

    If the heads are also separate, the bandless worm bodies would work well as tentacles that aren't the classic octopoid-style with suckers too, and an obvious "up and down" as a result.

  • Making hand drawn seamless tiles

    I've told you these details because it took me 2 hours of really intensive googling to find out how to activate it.

    This reminds me of the first time I opened GIMP - OK, I have the three (what? why?) windows open; NOW what do I do? And which of the three windows do I do what in?

    Glad you've managed to source a better program for creating seamless textures though. I know this is something that keeps on coming back time after time for quite a number of folks here.

  • The Creepy Crypt project

    Not convinced about the scariness of ordinary worms - though the symbols are beautifully done, as we'd expect.

    The maw of the "Tremors" worm is something else again though! (1990 movie - Wikipedia link for the confused!)

    As for the question "Are worms creepy?", there's always the D&D Purple Worm...
