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  • Starting dimensions

    If you're struggling to work out the general sizes of things as a whole, you might find it useful to look through some real-world maps, like an atlas, a map of your local area and your own town, for instance. That should give you some ideas about the amount of detail visible on different area-sizes of map.

    It might help you too to draw out some sketch-maps by-hand first of what you're wanting to create in CC3+, as that way you can get a rough idea of what size of map is going to better-fit the map you're wanting to draw once you start-up in the program. Even if you don't get it right this way, you can always resize the map in CC3+ if you find the area's too large, or not large enough. We've all been there!

  • The Creepy Crypt project

    Amphorae looking good!

    In terms of getting the right "look", while appreciating this isn't the kind of thing you can necessarily do quickly, it may be worthwhile reviewing some archaeological reports showing images of in-situ pottery remains in and from tombs. That should at least give a better impression of the general "damaged" look that subterranean burial gives to the surfaces of even intact objects (as you mentioned wishing for better detail regarding the broken columns previously, for instance).

    Amphorae that contained things when entombed will usually be sealed, and at least some evidence of that will survive in the top of the neck once broken, which I can imagine will be as problematic as getting partial broken handles attached to the rest of the item. Sorry!

  • The Creepy Crypt project

    Now you have this cylinder of clay on your virtual potter's wheel, Sue, you just need to start forming the vessel from it!

  • Latest Update Won't Download

    One of the Twitch livestreams I follow more regularly runs out of New York City, and they seem to have endless problems with their Internet connectivity. I gather from what's been said that this is a particular NYC thing, where each few city blocks ends up trapped with only one available ISP, so even complaining doesn't help, as you can't threaten to switch to a different provider.

    And don't get me started on those dratted "Captcha" things. Great, images so tiny I can't even guess what they might be showing, and you want me to identify a what in each of them (US terms do not always travel well, folks...)?

    [Deleted User]LoopysueScottA
  • Latest Update Won't Download

    Glad you managed to sort this out Scott. I found the download speed was VERY variable yesterday evening when I picked-up the latest CC3+ Update (about 4 hours before your own attempt, from the time-stamp on your first post). Initially Windows "estimated" 20 minutes, which then rapidly increased to over an hour, before dropping back sharply after a few minutes. It actually downloaded in under ten minutes in the end. Seems likely there were some oddities ongoing all over, however.

    This afternoon here, I had my connection drop-out entirely for no obvious reason at all about 90 minutes ago. It does this from time to time, which I assume is something fairly local, though actually, it hadn't done it since last November till today.
