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  • Vienna map

    I'm not aware of anyone having tackled a map of Vienna for any time period so far in Campaign Cartographer, and a quick search has confirmed that general absence online, although there could be something hidden away I've missed, of course.

    As for creating one yourself, that very much depends what you're wanting to accomplish with it. If you've a map (a historical map, for instance) you want to duplicate and amend in CC3+, and have a good-quality image of that (as a JPG or a similar bitmap file), you could simply import that into a CC3+ drawing and hand-trace the various elements you want to reproduce in the program. If it's a modern map that interests you, you may be able to circumvent parts of the drawing process by using digital vector mapping data, although that is quite an involved process. Ralf recently did a live mapping video session doing just this, albeit that was for a much larger region than a city (Australia!).

    If you can be more specific with what you're wanting to achieve with your map, it may be someone here can advise you better, however.

  • Community Atlas 1000th map Competition - with Prizes [August/September]

    The third of my potentially ten villages from The Whispering Wastes in Peredur is Ivan's Keep:

    As previously, there are more details in my WIP Forum topic here, and the FCW and PDF notes files are below, with a higher res version of the map image in my Gallery:

    MonsenLoopysueQuentenMathieu GansWeathermanSweden
  • [WIP] Community Atlas, 1,000 Maps Contest: Villages in The Whispering Wastes of Haddmark, Peredur

    And so to the third map, Hex 505, Ivan's Keep:

    Subject to frequent attacks by bands of Goblins and Kobolds, this had to be a defended settlement, and I thought it might be fun to use what is actually the symbol of a short stretch of straight wooden town wall, to create a neatly rounded palisade! It wasn't actually that difficult, after setting up a guideline oval to work with, ensuring the village properties stayed within that boundary, and then fitting the wall afterwards. The shortness of the wall symbol meant it actually worked rather well in this manner. As to why it's so neatly symmetrical (if not entirely to the low hill the place is built on), there is an explanation in the accompanying notes.

    While less intentional, the mix of shadows and road textures does help make the palisaded settlement a very definite focal point for the whole drawing. Plus the fact the village wasn't always where it is now meant a couple of the ruin symbols that come with this mapping style package could be employed to hint at that. Most were cleared away when the Fence was being constructed, to help build the newer properties in the settlement as it now is, of course.

    LoopysueQuentenRoyal ScribeRicko Hasche
  • [WIP] Northern Powys (Sarah Wroot Revisited)

    Sorry, isn't Powys entirely landlocked? Oh no, wait, this is a fantasy version of Powys... ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜

    [If anyone's confused by this, Powys is a landlocked county in Wales, along part of the border with England, and has no shoreline!]

    Royal Scribe
  • Community Atlas 1000th map Competition - with Prizes [August/September]

    Map two in my group of small settlements is for Bruga's Hold in Hex 403:

    I've updated the notes in my WIP topic about this set as well, and there's a larger version of the map in my Gallery too. Meanwhile, the FCW file and PDF notes are here:

    QuentenMonsenLoopysueMathieu GansKevinWeathermanSweden