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  • Community Atlas - Forlorn Archipelago - Poncegraf Village - Church

    For the Church, the pillar shadows could use some adjustment, as right now, they're passing over and through the walls, which is confusing.

    On the upper floor (which might benefit from labelling as such), the stained-glass window patterns thrown on the floor need adjusting, so they cover only where the wooden flooring is - where they shine into the air beyond, there should be nothing.

    Additionally, not all the windows should be showing these at all on either floor, only where the light will be shining directly through them, and that should match with where the floor shadows lie as well.

    It might be helpful to add dashed or transparent lines on the lower floor image to indicate where the upper balconies are on the lower map view.

    [Deleted User]JimP
  • Island Cliffs advice

    Sorry I wasn't around last week to help with this, as the technique of using mountain symbols for cliffs like this is very similar to what I used for my "The Cliff" map, Errynor Map One, in the Community Atlas some time ago.

    Glad you managed to get everything resolved to your satisfaction though, as it's quite a tricky problem to get the covering clifftop polygon to always look right especially.

    Of course, next you'll be wanting to differentiate between pebble and sandy beaches in the shoreline coves 😉

  • Community Atlas - Forlorn Archipelago - Poncegraf Village - Church

    Why thank you Sue! Just getting into practice for the livestream...

  • Island Chain annual

    Not sure what's happening with your scrolling crash problems, as I'm not finding that. Hopefully someone more technically adept can comment usefully about it, however.

    The Island Chains rely not simply on drawing tools, but on a whole host of Sheet Effects. You can find those by looking at the LAND Sheet when you have either the Outer Hebrides or Shining Pearls example maps open. Pages 5 and 6 of the PDF mapping guide explain how you can import those correctly into a different style, and although the Jon Roberts style is used as the example, it should be similar in other overland mapping styles, like the Mike Schley ones, although you'll probably need to adjust things in somewhat different ways than for the Jon Roberts style.

    Oh, and a minor aside for @Ralf - I just noticed that the BITMAP Sheet is still present in the Outer Hebrides example map; just gives a big red "X", of course, but maybe best removed if the Annual issue's being updated for the installer?

  • Contours and terrain problems ("decide settings myself")

    Yep, there's a steep learning curve when starting out with CC3+, but you will find it quickly gets easier with experience.

    Glad things managed to get sorted out for you with this one though.

    Keep up the mapping!
