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  • Text inside a box

    Yes, CC3+'s text handling isn't great unfortunately, in all sorts of respects, but you do get used to its quirkiness after a while.

    Unfortunately, multi-line text entries don't allow anything like as much text as you might wish, so in reality, you're better off getting used to what CC3+ is capable of handling by using its text facilities, rather than getting endlessly irritated and frustrated by what it won't easily let you do, and switching to an alternative text editing mechanic.

    One trick I've used a few times is to set up a piece of multi-line text, then copy, paste and edit that for the next text segment. That way, you have a text block already on-screen in multi-line format, which gives you a better idea of how long your text lines can be before you need to switch to the next line down, when typing a paragraph. Doesn't always work easily, as most fonts aren't monospaced (= each character occupies the same amount of horizontal space), so that can cause further problems.

    Then there's the whole issue of text not staying where you put it at different viewing and rendering resolutions, which is a whole fresh level of "joy and delight" (not!).

  • [WIP] Community Atlas August Mapping Contest: Cloven House

    Although I've already posted about this in the contest topic, to round-off this WIP topic too, here are the final versions of Cloven House, without and with its secret Cellar cave, now with added cupboard under the Cellar stairs:

    For those who might be interested, and again something that's in the contest entry topic too, I've attached here the PDF notes for the map, which will be in the Atlas version in the fullness of time, for those wanting an early preview of this little haunted house:

    Do be aware that there's a hint of "adults only" about a couple of the potential apparitions and other ghoulish elements in these notes. Nothing too salacious, just something to be aware of.

    Incidentally, anyone thinking I might have abandoned my preference for random design mechanics in devising my Atlas maps in this instance, might be reassured that there were hints of that in selecting what ghostly items to pick from in constructing this description (I have a long list drawn from numerous past sources and ideas!). Such a mechanism was used less here than in other features I've designed previously, however.

    And good luck to all the other contest entrants, especially those struggling to get things finished by the deadline!

    LoopysueJimPMonsenMaidhc O CasainEukalyptusNow
  • August Mapping Competition - Building Floorplans - Win Prizes

    Yes, it's coming up to that time isn't it? So here's my final version of Cloven House, firstly with the secret cave hidden, and then revealed:

    This will be winging its way to Remy for the Atlas shortly, with its text and PDF notes, but in case anyone might be interested, the PDF description is here as well, should anyone wish to be "enlightened" further on the nature of this haunted house:

    Worth noting though that a few comments are a trifle "adults only", concerning a couple of the potential apparitions and other ghoulish elements.

    Daniel Pereda De PabloLoopysueShessarJeff BAleDarsenico13
  • City of Torlok

    D'you think he knows there's a giant skull monster trying to eat his head? 😉

    The gold staff doesn't look quite right though. It seems as if it's behind his hand, not in it. Might be worth checking to see which sheet the staff's on, as if it's the staff version with the hand cutout, it should fit to look as if it's being gripped correctly.

  • [WIP] August Mapping Competition -- Vertshusen Distillery

    Looking good!

    You may be having a few problems with the classic "jumping text" issue, pushing things out of position too far at different zoom resolutions, or with different bitmap image renders - hence "Grain & Water Storage" in your Second Floor map ends right at the edge of the panel behind the text lines, for instance. This is down to how CC3+ handles text, and is a perennial problem, unfortunately. Beyond exploding the text again (which fixes it in place) - as before, not an ideal solution, as it means it's no longer editable text - you can try to make fuller use of the text placement point (like "Bottom Center", "Mid Left", etc.), as that means the text nearest that chosen point will not move away from where you place it. However, it will move away in the opposite direction (or both, if you pick something like "Mid Center") if it needs to/feels like it, so there's an element of swings and roundabouts here.

    The only real solution is to expand things like the coloured background panel behind the numerical key list, so that when you view the map complete on screen, all the text fits in it. Then try scrolling in or out a little, and see if the text still fits inside that area. If it doesn't, adjust the size of the panel again. This should mean that in most cases the text block will look OK both in a normal CC3+ view, and in most whole-map image renders. Most, though not all, sadly, and it can sometimes mean the background panel looks a little too large.

    [Deleted User]