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  • Shadows of Yog-Sothoth

    I don't know what price point Chaosium will put on the revised and expanded Shadows. It isn't as big a campaign as Masks or Orient Express, so it won't be as much as those other big books.

    But if the H P Lovecraft Historical Society do another boxed set of props to go with it... ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿค‘

  • Playing with Creepy Crypts

    cemeteries are always cool

    Like their occupants...โšฐ๏ธ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ‘ป

  • Community Atlas - Berenur - Urtrah Desert

    ...about the grid in this same image, grid are above all except symbols and text layer as you can see in ftw.

    Actually, I wasn't talking about the grid at all, but the scalebar, which is still more or less unreadable, because it's set on top of the mountains. If it was placed on the plain-texture open land, it would be easier to read, to see how it relates to the grid size.

    When you're using a grid like this, it's really important that the scalebar shows what size the grid is, especially because the grid isn't covering the whole map. This is difficult to tell currently also on both the Zaras Lake and Jibarut maps.

    And on the same topic still, the As Sutat map needs some sort of scale adding!

    On this As Sutat map as well, there seem to be several flat animals in the NE quarter, towards the lower left of the "Al Diqaq" label. They probably need some shadows adding, I think. Unless of course they really are meant to be flat to the surface - the carpet sheep of As Sutat, perhaps? ๐Ÿ˜‰

    They're good looking maps, don't get me wrong; they just need a little tweaking here and there ๐Ÿ˜Š

    Ricko HascheJimP
  • Community Atlas - Berenur - Urtrah Desert

    @Ricko Hasche - The map image you've reposted for Khunjerab Pass seems to have the effects turned off now, and the scalebar is where it was originally, I think. Might be the wrong image?

    For the Aglacacian Empire map, try adjusting either the text colours, or their sizes, and/or the colour and/or extent of their glow effects. It's difficult to advise precisely, as there's always a degree of subjectivity about this, especially as it only really affects the smaller labels that are crossing the denser terrain areas currently, particularly, though not exclusively, where the text's italicised.

    Ricko Hasche
  • Style Request: East Asian Floorplan/Dungeon

    Isometric building and room maps can look good for players, but they're often a nightmare for GMs trying to run an adventure, where you need to know exactly where everything in a room is at a glance, and how it connects to everything else in its vicinity. A top-down map gives you that control, plus for players, they can see instantly where everything is too, as battlemaps, for instance.

    Iso can have its uses for a GM though, where flat wall features (such as carvings) might be important, say, though that may need several views so all walls can be identified and seen clearly.

    Slightly concerned that "East Asian" seems to be being redefined as just meaning "Japan" here, given Japan's a tiny fraction of East Asia overall. Might be better to retitle this topic as referring to Japan only? Or expand the discussion to include features from China, Mongolia, the Koreas, Taiwan and perhaps places adjacent as well?
