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  • August Mapping Competition - The Results

    You're working well here Remy - only another couple of thousand maps to go ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Oh, wait, no; that might have been a dream I had... ๐Ÿ˜

    roflo1JimP[Deleted User]Loopysue
  • 175 million years ago

    Thanks for the additional information on your map @NZgunner - much appreciated!

    It's so difficult to be sure what the palaeoclimates were for specific periods in the past, as the evidence is commonly very incomplete, and needs a lot of extrapolation. There are suggestions for what may have been happening in certain areas at more specific times though, so if you wanted to tie down to a specific 175 Mya date, it might be worth checking through the available literature.

    It's not certain that modern climatic zones and effects are necessarily a suitable model to copy for the geologic past, unfortunately. There's evidence for a lot more free carbon-dioxide in the atmosphere than modernly at times in the Jurassic, for instance, partly hence the somewhat warmer temperatures than today too, in all probability, and the apparent lack of major glaciated regions.

  • [WIP] Winter Village

    Like the eagle heading home in the night version now!

    Given that deer tend towards the crepuscular, they'd probably be fine in the lower (brighter) night scene too; maybe not actually so much on the daytime one, though as winter days in the north are so short anyway, this is likely moot.

    Shadows are much improved now, I think.

    Might be worth trying a boldface version of the snowflake dingbat, just to make it stand out a little more (on the day scene especially). Not sure that'll work though, as boldface sometimes reduces the clarity of finer lines on characters too.

    Must admit, I'd thought it was probably for a holiday-themed project of some kind (the title's the giveaway ๐Ÿ˜‰!).

    JimPMaidhc O Casain
  • Forest Trail project - part 1

    Do I keep the non-mossy ones now I've figured out how to do the mossy ones?

    Of course, Sue.

    You should never ask the Internet and expect anything other than a resounding "Yes" to any question though ๐Ÿ˜

  • 175 million years ago

    Should be roughly mid-Jurassic Pangaea break-up period around 175 million years ago, Jim.

    Not so sure about the climatic zones, assuming that is meant to be high-latitude ice and narrow desert belts in the lower mid-latitudes. Evidence suggests little ice and a warmer planet overall around this time, with a much smaller temperature gradient between the equator and the poles than we currently find. Arid areas may not have been quite so belt-like as this drawing suggests, though possibly more extensive in some places than others.

    Be interesting to know what the sources for this map were, certainly, as new ideas about paleoclimates are always surfacing, so my knowledge may be out of date already!
