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  • New Commission. Ghorfar

    I may be misreading the hand-drawn version, but aren't the trees meant to go right across the mountain peaks as well? On the CC version, it looks like they're almost all bare rock currently (judging only by the coloration, not whatever that grey fill style is meant to represent).

  • Popping in to say hi after illness

    Better health from here on in, hopefully, Autumn.

    Autumn Getty
  • Community Atlas: Dendorlig Hall - A Sort-Of D23 Dungeon for Nibirum

    Thanks @Autumn Getty, and good luck @roflo1!

    The final FCW file for the Atlas is going to be a bit different to the image here for this dungeon, as I've started making alterations to fit how I see it as being Dendorlig Hall, rather than a generic random dungeon as shown so far. Not least is the map's probably going to be inverted, so what's currently shown as north will be more southeast, to fit better to the area map (the cardinal directions will be roughly those suggested by the corner "arrow"-shapes of Room 17, for instance; at least on current thinking!).

    As the random design created a lot of oddly small rooms and buildings (?) in a cave in the current map's top right, and drawing on the map notes for Malajuri, I'm thinking this part is a gnome settlement under King Dendorlig XXX, which has only recently been reoccupied, with much of the dungeon remaining little to unexplored. Thus the gnomes might be looking for cannon fodder adventurers to explore and map further for them. What's more distant from that top right corner remains a little vague in mind currently, however!

    Actual mapping progress has been delayed by other matters, however, not least events yesterday relating to the first paragraph in my initial posting here (yes, it's all still dragging interminably on, like slaying a dragon that has far too many hit points...).

    More when I know what it is (on the mapping and dungeon notes only!!!).

  • Community Atlas: Dendorlig Hall - A Sort-Of D23 Dungeon for Nibirum

    Thanks for all the comments, "likes", and so forth folks! Much appreciated.

    "Dendorlig Hall" it is then (and topic title amended to reflect the fact)! Please reserve it for me in the Atlas @Monsen, if not already!

    @roflo1 - Yours is another fun dungeon generator, and one that for some obscure reason hadn't come up among my Google searches previously. Looking through the list you have there (for random dungeons only), I note several links are broken now, and one of the sites that still exists, Dizzy Dragon's, isn't an "https" site, which sometimes get flagged or blocked by certain browsers/browser settings now. Might be worth reviewing and amending the whole page now?

    No thanks, Julian! I prefer to set my own challenges! But this might be an interesting project for another mapper here?

    @Loopysue - Maybe just one of the smaller twelve-room dungeons might be a possibility for you though? Might even fit to your creation schedule if there's a fresh dungeon style coming up later this year that will need a sample map preparing, say...

    Thanks for the comment re Scott's "Darklands" map too, Remy. I've been checking over the maps and descriptions for the Malajuri area since I last noted anything here, and as you wrote, couldn't find anything suggesting direct links to the surface world, though there is a somewhat "compartmentalised" layout to my blue dungeon map already, which could suggest a possible faction or two from the Darklands might have established an outpost or two here. I'll have to think about this further!

  • Community Atlas: Dendorlig Hall - A Sort-Of D23 Dungeon for Nibirum

    Sounds like a plan, Monsen! Checking the Atlas maps and notes, would I need to connect it to Scott's "Darklands" as well? I'm a little hazy as to how far underground those might be, though there are a couple of small chasms already in this "Blue" that could be loosely claimed as descending far enough, without needing specific inter-map links - that by label 168 and in chamber 295 for instance (which latter could be converted to a chasm instead of a rocky cave wall - the original hand-drawn feature there was rather ambiguous).
