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  • Hotspot not working

    Glad we got that sorted at least! I did know about the hotspot disabling, but wasn't online after you replied yesterday. Thankfully, we always have Monsen 😁!

  • Hotspot not working

    When you hover over the "Open PDF Mapping Guide" words, do you get a "pointing-finger hand" symbol on your cursor instead of the usual arrow one? I ask, because you mentioned the hotspot does not seem to be active, and that you "assume" this is what you have to do, whereas the change to the pointing finger cursor icon ordinarily confirms it's where you need to click.

    I think Adobe took over half a minute to open my mapping guide, but I find the Adobe Reader startup is often pretty slow from "cold" these days. (Too much unwanted and unrequested Windows clutter that keeps getting dumped on my system, I suspect...)

    This is based on a download and installation done within the past twenty minutes, incidentally (so around 17:15 UTC on Dec 2).

  • Lovecraft's Providence

    Thanks Frosty!

    There are some astonishingly detailed maps available online now. I found many for Providence alone from the late 19th and first half of the 20th century, and I know there are more for a lot of other places as well, including larger geographic areas. Some of the cartography on these is especially beautifully-done, something that has been commented on the Forum previously, of course.

  • Why is the default Fenlon scale so different to the original maps?

    Incidentally, I discovered while investigating this issue (albeit somewhat after the fact), that one of the three sample maps in the Annual folder for the Pete Fenlon Revisited style is blank, the CA179_SilverMountains.FCW one. This may have been updated by a later version, as mine is from November 1st, 2021, but thought it might be worth mentioning in case it still hasn't been amended. It obviously isn't meant to be from the PNG image for the same map shows!

  • Darklands City walls questions

    I suspect you'll need to post the FCW file here to get some definitive answer to why these symbols are showing as green and with a green edge, as there are too many variables to try to guess at something useful without that information.

    The wall and tower symbols in Darklands City go on to one or other of the SYMBOLS Sheets. There is a dedicated SYMBOLS 2 (walls) Sheet, and another SYMBOLS 3 (towers) Sheet, although you would need to have selected either of those Sheets to have the walls (or towers) go on to one of them as you place the symbols. Otherwise, if you have no other SYMBOLS Sheet selected, they will default onto the normal SYMBOLS sheet only.
