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  • Map of Narnia

    Helen, you can find that map, and many other illustrations, on the Pauline Baynes website. She was an amazing lady who did a huge number of illustrations, including the only ones of Middle Earth not drawn by Tolkien himself during his lifetime which he authorised.

    This map, and that for Middle Earth, were available as posters at one time, as I used to have both. They are true works of art!

    Plus, she also did all the maps and illustrations for all of Lewis's "Narnia" books. There is, or was, a single volume hardcover at one stage which had all the texts, maps and illustrations in, all in colour, if I recall correctly.

    Don Anderson Jr.LoopysueRoyal Scribe
  • WIP - Senan

    Interesting looking map so far.

    The wall maybe looks a bit too perfectly circular for something apparently hastily constructed, and the interior also seems a little too "planned" in this regard. Typically with something rapidly fortified, there'll be houses, etc., that end up beyond the walls, or become demolished ruins (whose rubble then vanishes into the new walls!). Also, if the wall's quite new, few properties will have been built facing it so neatly, unless they too have been very recently (re)built. This ignores the problems or advantages because of terrain, naturally.

    Some of the bitmap fills may need rescaling at some stage to avoid their repeating pattern being quite so obvious (the effect's accentuated currently because of the very fine-scale square grid, which makes it tricky to know which of the fills other than those at sea this might impact), and you might want to move the title box, as it's currently hiding part of those green segments of the undersea contours which presumably have some significance, given their limited extent.

    Increasing the edge fade on the undersea contours would help blend the lines there, and you might want to redraw some of them using smooth polygons too, to lose those very sharp corners in places currently. The "Horsehead Nebula" deep water head looks good, although it probably shouldn't be cutting so directly through the shallower water contour near the shipyard.

  • How long have you been using Campaign Cartographer?

    Monsen asked: Do you remember why you went for the DOS version at that time?

    To paraphrase from "The Simpsons" TV show, obviously...





    Royal ScribeMonsenDon Anderson Jr.CalibreLoopysue
  • How long have you been using Campaign Cartographer?

    Yes, have to say Joe Sweeney's video tutorials (pretty much all there was some years ago; things have greatly improved since!) were key to my learning how to get more and more out of the program too.

    Royal Scribe
  • How long have you been using Campaign Cartographer?

    I got the program in 2013, but did very little with it for a few years afterwards. I've only been especially active with it in more recent times, notably since about 2018, primarily in contributing items for the Community Atlas.

    Using the program more frequently and regularly has certainly improved my grasp of what its capabilities are, something that's true for most people, I think. Finding the time, and sometimes the inspiration, to do that can be more of a challenge though!

    LoopysueRoyal ScribeDon Anderson Jr.