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  • [WIP] Community Atlas - Topographical map of Nibirum with ocean currents

    Great looking map so far.

    I'm not keen on the altitude scale being on the later version though, as it's hiding part of the ocean current flows there.

    Stating the scale of the map (1:XXXXX - whatever it is) might be more useful than a physical scale that's accurate only for the equator, but the latter could be helpful to give a rough idea of the planet size involved, as Monsen noted.

    I just gave simple "Drift" names to a couple of the main currents on my Errynor/NW Alarius map, based on Earthly examples, so inventing more names for the major currents elsewhere would seem very reasonable.

    Similarly, continent names for the larger landmasses would seem in-keeping with this pattern.

    I suspect most prior mappers, like myself, have tended to assume similar major prevailing wind patterns to Earth's. So, NW Alarius is essentially Europe, and Alarius overall would probably see weather patterns similar to Europe-Asia. Beyond that though, things become a bit trickier, as the parallels with Earth aren't so exact, particularly the smaller seas between most of the continents. Be interesting to see what you come up with, however!

  • Project Spectrum - Part 2

    At typical overland map-scales, the second version of the gum tree could also pass quite well for a silver birch.

    All looking great, as usual! ?

  • Welcome to the Updated Forum

    Thanks Ralf; as we've discussed before, it's always best to make sure about these things!

    Very kind Sue. I'll have a rethink and maybe PM you if something occurs. I had a couple of other ideas, but the TT one came to me earlier today as a simpler possibility.

  • Topographical map of the Ice bed of Antarctica

    Jim, there are currently 138 volcanoes claimed as known beneath the West Antarctic Ice Sheet alone. There are strongly suspected areas of volcanic activity beneath the East Antarctic Ice Sheet as well, but this region has been much less studied overall. The figure of 138 volcanoes is from Wikipedia's Geography of Antarctica page, an order of magnitude that other sources confirm at least. There are also numerous surface volcanoes on and around Antarctica, aside from places such as the famous Mount Erebus.

    The map(s) shown here are from the BEDMAP 2 survey project conducted by the British Antarctic Survey in recent years (you can access a much enlarged version of of the first map shown by WeathermanSweden on the linked page). It's also worth reviewing at least the first map (Fig 1) in a paper available for free PDF download via ResearchGate The glacial geomorphology of the Antarctic ice-sheet bed, because this shows both the current coastline (black outline) and the rebounded one Loopysue was talking about (white outline). The latter confirms Antarctica sans ice would indeed be a substantial "new" solid landmass to explore, along with some significant islands of many sizes across much of what's now called West Antarctica.
  • Cartographer's Annuals and content

    I didn't find any real missed marketing opportunities among the Annual descriptions personally, but you are probably correct to suggest most folks come to the Annuals after they've been using the main Campaign Cartographer software for a while - so the lists of what each contains mean perhaps rather more than they might for someone coming to them "cold". Certainly, those, plus the text descriptions and illustrations were enough to sway me. But I have long been a sucker for a pretty map anyway!

    As for the Forum contributor connections, there may be earlier discussions I don't recall now, but there was an interesting What Are Everyone's RPG Connections? topic started back in June. And there are quite a number of writers/novelists who are active here too - making maps for their books, especially.